If you’re asking about Synthwave, most of it is instrumental, but I’m guessing you’re asking about songs like Dream Machine? For songs like that, it’s mostly just the music, but no every song with singing is like that. From the same artist.
Just don’t watch is an option.
I’m trying dude but I can’t get the needle to move more than that. And this is coming from someone that doesn’t like K-pop, pop, or any other crappy music like that.
And this has been replaced with a large contingent of K-pop fans?
Maybe it has, I don’t know. But for WoW it seems like it’s just a smaller number of older fans, especially for classic.
Other games, I could see this.
The k-pop stuff is for OW2 and not WoW. They are probably trying to court back anyone who left for Valorant.
“Whyyyyy isn’t it something IIIIIIIIIII liiiiiike?!?!
Blizz devs are like 60 years old and their grand kids like K pop?
To be fair, I don’t like any of the bands listed, the heavy metal or K pop… it’s all bad.
Definitely seems like a genre of music geared more towards OW fans or something.
As long as they book Florence and the Machine to do a live version of “Howl” for the inevitable Gilneas opening, everything will be okay.
Maybe the KPop is an attempt at winning back the weebs that went to FF.
I’ve never heard of this band and had to Google them.
I know older kpop, like BTS and EXO.
Kinder, gentler times?
Honestly, it’s been years since I’ve heard anyone even talk about K pop. It’s kind of a strange pick… but, who else could Blizzard get? Almost all of the metal bands from the 80’s are gone.
Who knows, maybe it will go over pretty well… and I’m sure the 5 Blizzard devs that are fans of K Pop will enjoy the show.
I like what Riot did with League of Legends and made a kpop band.
Blizzard is too scared to do that.
Oh, I’m not familiar with that.
Though I was recently wondering how Riot would be effected as a company with China going into economic and demographic freefall and cutting off a lot of contact with outsiders.
Did the band do well?
K-pop? Hard pass. That said, I never watch the Blizzcon concerts anyway, so I guess it doesn’t matter much to me. I’m definitely more of a metalhead though regardless.
It’s not so much of a band more of a “project”. They hired out some kpop artists and then some US artists and had them perform together.
It went over really well as the songs have hundreds of millions of views and they did it all to sell a line of cosmetic skins.
They also made a tv show.
All blizzard has done was a movie that I think only performed well in China.
Yeah I was going to mention that. Riot seems to have really good luck with their side projects.
This. People are like “the old era of wow is over good ridance!” As if the original people that made the game arent the only reason this game still has any good will left.
yeah i hear you dude. i’m only into extreme metal like metallica, ozzy osbourne, iron maiden, linken park