K-pop? Really?
How did we go from Metallica, Linken Park, Iron maiden, Ozzy Osbourne playing at Blizzcon concerts
To k-pop???
K-pop? Really?
How did we go from Metallica, Linken Park, Iron maiden, Ozzy Osbourne playing at Blizzcon concerts
To k-pop???
Because the old WoW/Blizz crowd is gone, basically lol.
There has definitely been a generational shift upon the game(s), design-wise and art-wise and all that other stuff.
Nothing stays as it was. It’s to appeal to younger audiences I’m sure.
Because k-pop is currently hip and trendy? I dunno, I listen to classical.
Though if Alison Balsom was going to do perform, I might consider going (not really but she’s amazing).
What’s to discuss? They chose a band. You don’t like it. News at 11?
No it isn’t.
It’s true though, lol.
Blizzcon/Blizzard fans aren’t a bunch of old white dudes anymore. A lot of those people are retired, geriatric, don’t play anymore, etc.
It’s changed, I’d say for the better, even if the products don’t tell that story.
Side note, isn’t Ozzy retiring soon?
Also kpop, to me, fits over watch pretty well.
Clearly you never seen a Blizzcon concert live or on virtual
Them bringing k pop to a Blizzcon is an insult to things like above
Muse was great…
Because I can’t link.
I didn’t realize how old that song was.
It’s not my thing but it’s very popular and has a large audience. I’m not surprised.
I remember when people complained about Weird Al doing the concert. I loved it though. Can’t please everyone.
If you don’t like it then just don’t watch it. Stop complaining over nothing, jeez.
Because they are trying to attract younger players.
This being…you know…a discussion board…pretty much anything they (or we) want to discuss, as long as it isn’t an infraction of the rules. It is after all, valid to discuss whether k-pop is a pertinent genre of music for the typical Blizzcon audience.
In my opinion, it can be, given the ever-evolving tastes of our players. Even an old foggy like myself enjoys a small handful of k-pop tunes…as long as they actually have a tune.
Because not everything is all grimdark and edgy.
Kpop is hugely popular. And it fits the 18-34 demographic for OW, along with Korean players who dominated the League for quite some time. So it makes sense.
No. It isn’t. Just because YOU don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s an insult.
Careful, you just angered half the forum.