Is no one going to discuss this? Concert at Blizzcon

Clearly this person subscribes to skinning one bear to aggro every bears in a 40 yard radius.


Music snobs are the worst. If you donā€™t like it the donā€™t listen lol.


i want wow commercials of kpop groups saying how much they play wow

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Silly Titan, K-Pop groups play Overwatch.


It got better because it got more diverse and they realized not only white people that listen to rock play video games.

You know how long Iā€™ve waited to get brown skin on my gnome? Too long.

When WoD launched, thatā€™s how long it took.


Agreed. I went to blizzcon several times but never really bothered with the musical acts. Would rather have a nice coffee outside or go home and take a nap. /shrug

Now these guys could be a fun fit at Blizzcon


Yes. And I obey the law

I was in Dalaran, and the little goblin said something that I think fits here.


I have a question. Are these real people? Or is this one of those new virtual girl things that I keep seeing pop up on Twitch and Youtube in the last couple of years?

Because if itā€™s real people, thatā€™s fine. Iā€™m cool with them doing their thing. But if theyā€™re real people hiding behind animated virtual women ala Prozak, wellā€¦ I have different feelings about that.


Welcome to 2023.

Just replying to you to say, Weird Al is a national treasure.

As for the k-pop stuff, I donā€™t care for it, but Iā€™ve never watched a single band perform at Blizzcon anyway, so nbd.


Easy there, Dredd. (Just joshing here really. If people like it, people like it!)

Oh no, humanity is doomed.

Completely agreed


Their real people,Iā€™m watch them now.
Not a bad group.

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I mean League had kpop stars perform at their thing. So it makes sense.

Iā€™d honestly would be interested in Blizzcon if like Cody Rhodes and Henry Cavill were there since theyre Warcraft fans. Henry plays WoW. Iā€™ve asked Cody a few times in the past on Twitter/X if he played WoW but I never got an answer.

Hell have Fozzy perform Power of the Horde or whatever that songā€™s called.

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Iā€™m ok with this then. If people like K-Pop these days, who am I to judge?

It might not be my personal taste, but if enough people are on board then Iā€™m fine with it.

Besides, I try to give all music the time of day. I try it once and go in with an open mind.


theyā€™re especially bad when theyā€™re snobby about some of the most mainstream and well-known music on the planet. ā€œahem i only listen to REAL music youā€™ve probably never heard of, such as led zeppelin. or the beatles.ā€ :roll_eyes:


Same here,nothing bring people together than some heart thumping music .