To be completely fair, none of those are on the “extreme” end of metal. At all.
sorry i’m an old school gamer and i like good music. which is the music i listen to. not bad music, which is the music i don’t like. such as k-pop, pop, rap and hip-hop, etc.
Cant get any more Metal than Judas Priest - Painkiller
I dont even know who they are… Im getting to old for this crap
Kpop and virtual concerts are actually very popular right now, mainly among teenagers though. And that is Overwatch’s main audience at the moment it’d seem, younger adults and teenagers and people who use tiktok frequently
Just when I thought I had seen it all…
I mean, I don’t hate it.
That one isn’t even their heaviest stuff. These ladies rock harder than a lot of American bands do these days.
Most of the stuff I listen to is foreign anyway. We definitely don’t rock like we use to in the US.
I’m getting to that point. There’s a lot of Eastern European and Nordic bands in my playlist these days.
My guild is full of weebs and k-pop/kdrama lovers.
I think it’s great. As much of a huge metal fan I am, I don’t think most WoW players are metal fans based on the background music in any videos they make.
and at least it’s not Taylor Swift
This fits Kpop so well, too. LOL
You aren’t even going. Not many are. Tickets are still on sale. Trollolol
At least you’re the better Dredd.
I don’t think Iron Maiden ever played at Blizzcon.
Yeah…I don’t think I’ve ever seen Blizzcon tickets NOT sell out.
they were sold out for months.
they added more.
that’s not sold out.