Is Melee Hunter going to be removed?

I agree

I just want them to leave my spec alone and don’t touch it. Unless they expand the melee option like duel wielding :heart_eyes:

I’m tired of these mofo’s trying to change it back or get rid of it. I don’t want another boring range spec.


is there a lot of negativity toward it? everyone i know considers surv the chad spec

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If they ever implement Glad Stance again, Id love them to be able to use spears/polearms in their mainhand with the shields.


That said, I dont think melee survival is going anywhere anytime soon, especially with the Legion expansion content still being a thing. Although, Blizzard does like to just… remove things from the game…


Those were good times as a Warrior.

I had so much fun playing my Warrior. :grin:

I haven’t seen or heard any negativity about it in game or in groups. I see it on the forums from the same four people that post about it.

Its still the chad spec and definitely not for the Keyboard turners who play exclusive range specs. :wink:

Run four hunter spec’s. We loved RSV we want it back. Where’s my enhanced arrows trap based ranged spec fantasy?!? Guys are so angry anyone would want to remove your spec you don’t empathize with people who lost their favourite spec. The majority of people here would be happy with four specs.


That’s cause almost no one is playing it in game so why would anyone bother saying anything about it?

We discuss it here because this is a discussion forum for world of warcraft and someone brought it up.

It’s still the dead spec and it will stay that way until it gets a proper rework since right now it is just a cheap bm knockoff with no identity of its own. If blizzard wants to do a proper melee spec for hunters they should revert survival and redo the whole melee concept as the 4th spec and make it truly unique.

Also, I see you’re having so much fun trolling the thread, but you’re not nearly as clever as you think you are.


Just get rid of survival and make it a tank class. Hunter needs more versatility and WoW needs more tanks.

It’s not just the dual-wielding. Rexxar doesn’t throw bombs, doesn’t use poison arrows, and doesn’t focus on a 80-20 blend of ranged and melee in favour of ranged (aside from Heroes of the Storm where they just go ahead and make him ranged). He is utterly unlike melee Survival. But clueless melee fanatics will still cling to it as justification for the spec being melee.

What’s so hard to understand? It’s done extremely poorly as a melee spec and it used to be a ranged spec. Were you aware of that?

Who cares what a Rogue main thinks? Stick to your own class.

“Your spec”? You aren’t even specced into it, and that’s not to mention you’ve done absolutely no content to speak of on that character. It’s extremely evident that you don’t actively play a Hunter and you’re posting on an alt toon for more credibility. You even only started posting on the character 4 days ago and all but one of your posts are in this thread.

Big talk from someone who’s done almost no content at all to speak of this expansion… and is currently playing a ranged spec.

Post from your real main.

Uh, yeah? Evidently you don’t know many people and/or haven’t asked about the issue much. You guys can pretend all you want, but it’s the game’s most controversial and unpopular spec. Just look at the Hunter forums; most of the top replied-to threads are about Survival melee v.s. ranged. In game hardly anyone plays it and it routinely gets excluded from groups outright. Disdain towards Survival is common among Hunters; especially those that played it before Legion (do note how most of the people defending it in these specs are posting from melee class characters). And, of course, I’ll link again these videos:

The game really doesn’t need more tanks and the Hunter class certainly doesn’t want it.

Ranged spec or bust.


i hang out with people who do keys. i’m not plugged into raiding or pvp so if that’s where the hate is coming from i’m just missing it. not trying to call anyone a liar!

You don’t, but a lot of other people do.

Besides, like has been said so many times, the preferred option would be to bring RSV back as a 4th spec.


Not the water strider pet for BM hunters to water walk with

I liked survival before blizzard removed it and made it a melee spec. :frowning:


Rexxar was Beastmaster until changed in Legion. His image is the first to come up if you search for BM hunters. in beta patch 0.9, released on August 17, 2004. This was a very special patch because it’s when hunters were added to World of Warcraft – the last class to be added, in fact. Things were different back then. The survival specialization was known as “outdoorsmanship” and marksmanship was known as “ranged combat” because it was the only specialization actually focused on ranged combat.

That means SV was based on working and existing with nature, not against it. They know who the boss is and respect it. They take what nature gives them and adapt to it.
Outdoorsmen use actual, practical knowledge of nature and apply that knowledge in various skills and actions. They aren’t Pinterest survivalists. They actually venture into to the outdoors completely ready for whatever Mother Nature throws at them. That’s not Rexxar’s fantasy. He’s a wilderness warrior who is able to call forth the creatures of the forest to serve him. He wonders forest seeking the essence of combat through the mimicry of wild beasts.

Vanilla was a time where mixing melee and ranged gameplay was heavily encouraged. The survival talent tree was focused on melee damage and had the worst final tier talent in the game’s entire history. Lacerate was a melee attack which caused 133 damage over 21 seconds. No, I didn’t miss a zero in there somewhere. One hundred and thirty-three damage over twenty-one seconds. That’s a whopping 6.33 DPS. Lacerate wasn’t removed from the game until patch 1.7 in September, 2005, and no one missed it. The survival talent tree supported melee combat and made those abilities stronger, but was not designed for a player to be a melee combatant.

Just for some additional reading, as an addendum to what Ogdenir said:

Patch 0.9 (Aug. 17, 2004)

The Hunter Class is now available to test! Hunters track, tame, and slay all manner of animals and beasts found in the wild. Whether they rely on bows or firearms, Hunters consider their weapons and pets to be their only true friends. Races allowed to become Hunters are the Night Elf, Dwarf, Orc, Tauren, and Troll.

Hunters are great for pulling monsters as they are able to set traps that hinder monsters that the Hunters pull to attack. Hunters are also able to use various beast-related special abilities, take on bestial traits that give them supernatural powers, control and tame beasts, and use a wide variety of ranged attacks complimented by a few melee abilities.

Hunters are closely related to their pets and must remember to always keep their pet’s happiness in mind. When using a pet, Hunters will notice an icon in the top left corner of their screen that depicts their pet’s happiness. The more Hunters use their pets, the lower their pet’s level of happiness will become. Hunters should always remember to feed their pets to raise their pet’s level of happiness or worry about their pet abandoning them or even attacking the Hunter! Hunters are also the only class able to name their pets.

The Hunter can use the following weapons: Axes, Daggers, Guns or Bows, Crossbows (with training), Fist Weapons (with training), Spears (with training), Staves (with training), Swords, (with training), Thrown (with training), Two-Handed Axes (with training), Two-Handed Swords (with training). The Hunter can use the following armor: Cloth, Leather, Shields, and Mail (at level 40, with training).

For this part, these names were changed in patch 1.1.0.(Nov. 7, 2004)

And then, the major reworks for the Beast Master + Survival talent categories occurred in patch 1.7.0.(Sept. 13, 2005)

The motivation was this:

  • Survival and Beast Master talent trees have undergone major revisions in an effort to give Hunters additional, viable choices when selecting talents.

She uses both. In Wotlk siege of undercity you saw her fighting with her daggers. In wotlk we used to use both ranged and melee abilities, that’s what rangers do. I often used melee abilities in the outer world to save ammo.

Blizzard isn’t going to add a 4th dps spec to a dps only class lol



Common sense

Human brain


In other words, your bias…


Hey I love all Hunter specs and even played RSV back in the day.

Bringing it back would be pretty stupid though