Is Melee Hunter going to be removed?

You asked if there was another spec that was melee and had a pet. Yes that would be a unholy deathknight, and the fact that it has some range abilities would mean it even closer to what you want.

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Melee Survival isnā€™t going anywhere and Iā€™ll revolt like a madman if they even think about getting rid of it.

Iā€™ve been playing Survival since Legion and have Mage tower transmog.

I would seriously quit WOW if they did this.


Fat lotta good that did the rest of us. Just lost hunters from the game, those that stayed are bitter. A small fraction of melee larpers want MSV to stick around.


Why? But if you really want to see it, click on my guild. Every character in it is mine.

And like Watermist pointed out, weā€™re both Classic players but if you started in '05 then yes Iā€™ve been playing a Hunter longer than you been playing the game. By a whole month. Aubrey was created 29 Nov '04.

Anyways, I wasnā€™t being serious or a braggart. I was just trying to point out that you shouldnā€™t assume things based on someoneā€™s posting avatar. I picked my DK alooooong time ago just because I liked her icon.

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Based on your previous posts on the hunter forum, I was under the impression that you prefer BM. Mightā€™ve been wrong thereā€¦

Anyway, thought your initial reply in this conversation was aimed towards Hernehunterā€™s comment about turning BM into a melee spec.


Hey! Didnā€™t need to look past this topic:

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I mean if weā€™re going to make silly suggestionsā€¦


Its not a small fraction of people who play it. Iā€™ve seen people play it in PVP and in PVE. Iā€™ve played my Hunter since Vanilla and Iā€™ve raided with Survival in Legion and did fine.

This spec was wanted by the Hunter community and its a small fraction of disgruntled players on the forums that hate it.

Its always the same people, always.

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Ever since it was implemented in Legion, only about 5% of all hunter players play it. The other 95% of all hunters stay away from it.

Those 5% equates to roughly 0.45% of the entire wow community btw. So yeah, a small fractionā€¦


Your numbers are about as reliable as people who predict subscriber numbers, SMH.

Nice try :kissing_heart:

If this was true, it would of went away like Gladiator stance did for Warriors.

To much invested in melee Survival for it to go away and you are better off getting used to it.

Beside why the heck would you want a third range spec to do the same thing as the other two?

Iā€™m going to preface this post by repeating myself earlier: Iā€™m a hardcore BM player who plays BM for love of the spec, I never played RSV and still donā€™t play MM or MSV and I donā€™t want your spec removed. That being said, Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s true. There was a recent - as in, posted 2 days ago - wowhead post on mythic SoD dps performance; surv contributed 1,000 parses and was the least numerous dps spec in the entire game. The next lowest spec was afflic lock at 1,700, and the next lowest hunter spec was MM with around 6k. 1:6 surv-mm is a pretty gnarly ratio; BM had 18,000 parses.

To repeat - I donā€™t want MSV removed from the game, but surely Blizz owes it to hunter players to examine exactly why the spec is so unpopular.


And where are your numbers from, the people you personally counted? Getouttahere.

I guess mages, locks, and rogues should all get a spec changed then, right?


Like Iskierkaa said, about more recent numbers.

And if you want to go a bit further back, you have this doc from the launch of SL up until september of last year. After, Blizz changed the API so we could no longer get the numbers from there(

OP: Data as it currently stands


You have sites such as wowgraphs showing even further back to Legion, etc. And ofc logs as well for anyone who wants to dig through those records.


My numbers come from playing the game, you should try it instead of whining on the forums over an old spec that was originally the vanilla melee spec for hunters before they dismantled melee completely from hunters.

Iā€™ve been playing to long to know when people make up crap to further their agenda.

Iā€™ve gone rounds with a certain Goblin who denied over and over that melee Hunters never existed in WOW but surprise, go play vanilla classic and get a dose of the past LOL.

Great, another one who prefers anecdotal observations over actual data and statisticsā€¦


Like I said, your numbers are about as reliable as people who predict subscriber numbers.

Show your Hunter what you scared of?

Whatever takes you through the day mate. If you want to stay ignorant, thatā€™s on you.


Theyā€™ll revert it back to ranged and sell it as WoWs first new ranged since release.


Wouldnā€™t surprise me at this point.

Or add it back as a 4th spec and do the same thing. Or add a dark ranger class that has elements from old RSV and do the same thing. Just never know with Blizz these days.

Surv hunter is fine there no reason to remove it