Data as it currently stands

For all those whom are interested in looking. Here is the data as it currently stands.

According to Warcraft logs, Survival is definitively the best of the 3 specs.

Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft

Population wise BM is the most played spec currently and has been since about a week and a half after 9.1 dropped.

Hunter Population - Google Sheets

Statistics -

I do find it interesting that before the patch people were saying Kyrian was the best option for 9.1 and yet most people still seem to be rocking Night Fae. I have to wonder if that’s because a lot more people chose night fae based on aesthetics or if they don’t want to switch to Kyrian and in 9.2 Blizzard switch which is the best covenants again.

First , SV logs are not reliably compared as there are only 100 SV parses in Mythic.

Second, it’s too early to look at Mythic logs for similar reason that there are too few parses now .

Heroic is probably better as there are much bigger sample sizes which improves the quality of data.

NF soul shape is a hard carry.

Dreamweaver soulbind gives you an added cheat death.

All in, it’s the better raiding covenant as hunters are quite squishy. That’s my opinion. Also, NF is better for BM hunters and decent for MM.

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SV’s position is likely a result of skewing from its low parse count. Tarragrue and Remnant are the only bosses that have SV Hunters in the top 100 for Hunters.

As for Night Fae: it’s because the legendary is extremely good in certain scenarios.

  1. Survival logs are scewed and not real representative of their numbers.

  2. The reason people stayed NF is because even if Kyrian was a small % better in dps, which is still in the air, NF has soul shape and soul shape makes up in utility for anything any other covenant can do for hunter. You want that utility and oh crap button more than you want an extra 1% dps tops.

How so? Night Fae got a major bailout with the buff to the legendary most of the top 100s have equipped before Kyrian got their capstone Soulbinds that had them doing more damage on PtR.

Ok: so before you go lobbying for the meme msv spec, ALWAYS look at at how many parses there are for it. When I looked at the article a bout this the other day there was a whopping 97 parses for msv. This is extremely low. Lol I mean the dismantled aff lock has more than that and they jumped from last to like 4th.
The reason for this is that mythic raiders are testing the specs on very friendly fights, misconstrueing the numbers. They don’t touch the specs outside of those fights, that’s why there is only 100 parses verse, say, another spec with over 7000 parses. The same thing happens with bm. Heavily played by players at the heroic level and below because of the significant amount of movement in fights these days. However, mm is still the go to spec for mythic raiders.

I’m not lobbying for anything. I presented the data as it stands.

I’ve been MM since Vanilla and that’s never going to change.

As for the people claiming survivals place is probably because of the low parse count, while that is true, if you look at the per second amounts, survivals maximum dps is well above both MM and BM.

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Antlers is wicked. Even ST on bosses.

No it isn’t. MM has the top:

Of the first five bosses, just two have an SV Hunter in the top 10: Tarragrue (9th) and Remnant (4th, 8th). No SV Hunter has cleared Painsmith.


Yes we all know survival hunter is the master spec of hunters but every other hunter is far too noob to play melee and needs to play MM so they can’t accidentally pull with a pet or needs to play BM because more than 3 buttons scares them



Nope. Sorry.


The ONLY spec of hunters! The other two consist of a marksman and a pet collector!


The ONLY spec of hunters! The other two consist of a marksman and a pet collector!

Wait… I thought collecting pets was a large part of the game… :wink:

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I took a nice long forum break.

Come back to see the same old stuff. It’s incredible how much time is wasted by a select few on here :joy::joy:


“Looks at his polearm he pried from a dead Valkyrie hands…”

Yeap still having fun. Slow and low for the guild I run with. Making progress and having fun doing it.

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Also, all these logs are based on most mm and bm players not having the bow and quiver while surv’s weapon drops off the nine. Heck, even I have that weapon. Wait until at least halfway through the tier when a large number of hunters have the bow n quiver and look at the logs again.

Am I the only one that doesn’t really care about the bow?

Like what is it supposed to do - change my opener?

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The bow is a subpar legendary, but it does just enough dmg to change log standings