Is manual multiboxing okay?

ILL BOX RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU AND LAUGH ABOUT IT :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That you even hint that they are the same thing PROVES that you, like ALL the rest in here, dont know SQUAT about this game or how it works

I had to fire up one of my other wow accounts to get some use out of my blood of sargeras on those characters.
May as well do some box farming while the account is paid for

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lol the stuff would sky rocket and then the goblins would figure out a way to continue price fixing XD It’s dumby easy to play “stonks” with herbs.

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They make me laugh…actually thinking that solo farming is going to make them any REAL gold in the first place.
BUT…I went out herb farming for 10 minutes tops last evening, and knowing what Im looking for INSTEAD of pointlessly farming CURRENT crap mats that everyone is already stocked up on, I farmed OLD stuff that I know sells for a mint.

MOST of the problem is these folks farm CURRENT mats that ARENT selling for squat BECAUSE EVERYONE has farmed it to death already…lol…then they need a scapegoat to blame instead of just going and farming what DOES make the gold.

I made about 3000 gold for about 10 minutes last evening because I DIDNT sit in SL content farming stuff no one needs anymore. lol



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lmao…yeah…it is…and these jokers make even less sitting in SL farming ore and herbs that no one wants or needs.
Then they come in here and blame their favorite scapegoat when they cant make anything.
Kinda the point that was being made

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I’ll add another point in here.
With the leveling changes made, now its so much quicker to level up a farming druid. I would also imagine that a LOT of players who didnt bother doing it before, likely have at this point.

Frankly, there is no reason whatsoever that EVERYONE hasnt got a Tauren druid for farming herbs and a HM tauren for farming ore all maxed out to level 60.

probably whats really going on with the ‘economy being ruined’
EVERYONE can level a farming druid overnight now

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You want a good turn around farm ghost iron and hit up all the rares you see in all the zones for the goodie bags. Have jc and level that up for the jc mounts and the eng mounts and just use that ghost iron ore / trillium. Make sure to have the mist piercing goggles. One of the best solo farms and if you remember to make the jard’s source every day, it’s pretty solid. The jewel crafting mounts are always in demand for some reason and sell pretty decently.

Plus hitting a warbringer and getting a mount is a plus too if one happens to be up.
Thing is too with SL materials people usually farm ore AND herbs. Trick is to just pick one and stick with it. You farming both you short yourself. Also, don’t sell the stuff outright turn it into something or hold it til the price gets good THEN throw it on.

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High mountain 100% because… moose… meese… moose? MEESE MOOSE!

Edit: I know the plural of moose is just moose. I love to say meese lol

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another goofy move is farming with ANYTHING other than a druid…and the RIGHT druid.
as I mentioned above…tauren druid for herbs, HM tauren for ores. If you aint doing it with the right race/class, you aint got a chance of being competitive as far as farmed / hour.

Druids dont have to spend the time mounting each time…and the two tauren races farm in like a third of the time per node.

they will dump everything the second the get it farmed. even if the price is 1 gold. lol.
Then screech about being ripped off in here 'becuz evil cheating boxers …" blah blah blah.
I toss stuff in my guild bank if I dont like the price and I know its going to go back up.
Im not giving it away unless I really dont care about the mat in the first place.

Its always someone elses fault with this victimhood mentality.

I farm what IS selling and what WILL make me gold.
I dont farm crap then expect a kings ransom for it.

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Lawl right? There’s a dude literally on our server that will throw something on at 1g just to see how much he can snipe. He quits though cause I buy up all his snipes and I tattletaled to other goblins to set their TSM to watch for his posts so they get cheap herbs xD

Oh of course. I’ve messed up quite a few times with posting and getting sniped on and that’s my fault. I messed up lol I should have paid more attention.

But easier to blame someone than it is to take responsibility if a person messes up. Just the day and age we live in now.

lol…Yeah…I do that too. but I also giggle about it when you bust me and buy my bait. Just part of the selling game. Kudos to you for catching on and getting my bait cheap :+1:

like they complain when they are buying and blaming someone else for their not paying attention to their purchase price total. They know some of these players are listing for 700,000 gold hoping someone makes a mistake, but they do it anyway not paying attention, then blame the system because they didnt watch what they were doing. lol


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Or for providing the backbone for the internet.
Linux is even the most popular OS on Microsoft’s cloud hosting platform Azure.

I’m glad we agree

Are… are you serious? lol I said that as a joke and you ACTUALLY believe alt tabbing is botting…


they clearly dont know what botting is, lmao.
"I dont like it…BOTTING! "
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


This is ok, because addons and weak auras allow you to do that as long as all account have the addon.

You can’t be banned for using an ingame addon.

You might enjoy this, then:

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omg this is absolutely fantastic XD

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  1. This ain’t FF14. False reports here don’t carry the same weight here, otherwise players wouldn’t be falsely suspended from chat by false reporters.

  2. I’ve only ever seen a few multiboxers and one of them was herb farming so it was ok, which I ofc reported for using a program.

  3. If the player is instantly turning 5 characters into travel form its a program user so they are legit breaking tos.

its a legit report if the person changes into any form or mounts up all at the same time within impossible alt-tab timing of many chars.

You stated that everyone hates boxers then went into your discussion. That right there shows your attitude for the rest of the conversation and no matter what I say, I will never sway your opinion and you make it quite obvious in your reply. But I can reply to it just like any other post.

So you reported them just because they were herb farming and ‘using a program.’ Were they all picking at the same time? How do you KNOW they were using a program? “Muh herbs must report!” If they were picking at the same time sure you know they are using a program. But if there was 4 or 5 or however many and they herb… then herb… then herb… with obvious spaces… then they aren’t using software to mirror commands OR hardware to mirror commands. “I’ll report and let blizzard figure it out.” Well I can’t stop you from that, but if you do that to boxers what’s the difference between them reporting you for harassment when they are in the rules and you decide to whisper them, “cheater” or “reported.” Because abusing the in game report function is against the rules. If you are like, “I’m going to report you because you’re using software and you’re cheating!!! REEE!!” Which, btw, happens A LOT with people boxing then except to get reported back in return for harassment.

The rest of your statement makes sense to a point.

Chat silences are not the same as account suspensions. Who says there aren’t false silences and bans in FF14? They just aren’t as prevalent because in FF14 addons aren’t allowed at all. Nothing can interact with their game at all from my understanding. Addons are allowed in wow. The addon in question the author took down of their own volition from my understanding due to harassment among other things. You can get other addons for other party members that aren’t even multiboxing that do the same thing. Are those bannable? Is FollowMePls bannable? No.

“But it’s streamlining multiboxing!!!” You might say… technically having a computer with the processing power to even run two wows is streamlining but we obviously know that isn’t against the rules. What’s against the rules is mirroring commands via software or hardware to multiple wow windows at the same time, to automate or streamline multiboxing. If this addon style is against the rules for boxers, it should be against the rules for all players. Someone doing boosts and they want their booster to follow and not follow on command? What is the difference between someone with 2 accounts and this addon and 2 individual players and this addon? The amount of people controlling the accounts… that’s it.

And sure if you see all of em strafing at the same time go for it, but you know how FAST some people are mounting and dismounting on stuff? Like, you can have your icons at the bottom of your task bar click keybind, click keybind, click keybind, click keybind, click keybind and there are some people that can do that INCREDIBLY fast because they were already doing this since NOV.

And the thing is, that addon I mentioned you can still download it, you can still use it, and if you got a buddy that wants to use it they can do so. Got guildies that want to show off a mount and mount at the same time? How about issues with afking in raid so you got a follow me (however that addon works) set up just for some raiders that afk? It’s an addon that works off the in game API. If blizzard didn’t want these kinds of addons working they would simply break them with a simple update like they have in the past.

Ultimately though it’s Blizzard’s game and what they dictate is what they decide. Not you, not me, not anyone except them. We can discuss this til the cows come home, but the blues have already answered other threads with fantastic information.

Now that we’ve beaten the dead horse on a necroed thread again…

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