Is LVL 80 the new max for warthinn?

Go troll somewhere else.


You thanked the little fox man for berating me about using the term The War Within? He wanted TWW and you thanked him…

Are you thinking of Warfarin?

lil fox man thing also spread misinformation that to fit their narrative.

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The fox never berated you for using “War Within.” They berated the OP for using “Warthin.” I specifically quoted the section where the fox gave another point of information on why we shouldn’t be calling it “Warthin.”

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Oh I see… it came up right after I posted… my apologies

I’m not berating you, I just twitch when I see “Warthin”.

I don’t like singling folks out (unless they are being obvious trolls) so if it came across as particularly hostile I genuinely apologize.

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No harm! Just playing catch up on modern WoW… trying to decide if I should play my worgen to 70 before TWW or wait and start fresh then…

All good! I’m like you and will use “War Within.” If people want to use TWW, that’s fine, so long as they don’t use “Warthin”. I won’t personally use TWW as it’s just awkward to me.

But there’s certain acronyms I never liked. I call it Mists, not MoP. I call it Warlords not WoD. Because those acronyms make me twitch. lol

sounds like you need to seek medical assistance. That’s not normal. Hope you are well before Warthin comes out next year. Best of luck!

Yea… The War Within just sounds better honestly? TWW sounds like Thanks Well Wishes!

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TWW just sounds like Time Walking but with an extra w.

Do I have a solution for your twitching problems.

Hey, thanks, man. I’ll do my best but foxes tend to be twitchy.

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It sounds like the cracker you buy when you can’t afford Wheat Thins.


Especially if they go the route of ESO Champion points and make the hero points expand each following expansion since they are passives

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let’s not be divisive and shame those who cant afford wheat thins. Let’s not divide between the have and the have not warthins.

it would be 80 iirc