Is LVL 80 the new max for warthinn?

I’d be amused if they do a soft reset of the story after The Last Titan and start us at level 1 again.

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Right, massive level caps dissuade new player from even trying. Wow still has a rep among normies of being a long grind of a game. Plus they dont even need levels technically. They’re almost vestigial at this point.

We level through the story, then everything unlocks at max level and with the story finished.

Plays the same as

We stay the same level and play through the story, then everything unlocks when we finish the story.

There’s no point of adding levels just to remove them later.

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Warthin is a tumor.

Warthin’s tumor - Wikipedia

Unless people are saying the game is like a tumor.

WoW never had that reputation. I came to WoW from FFIX because it wasn’t a long grind of a game.

They might as well make WoW 2.

I think it’s 80. I could be wrong.

It doesn’t sound like you’re fine with it. :pensive:

Hmm, to click on view 3 hidden replies or not?:thinking:

I’m going to go with not and then mute this thread instead.

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This is a fun thread about warthin speculation.

Why not 120!

wait is this true? My friends said only to 80.

Yea it’s 80.

Oh, that sucks

It’s crazy to think that without the level squish in Shadowlands we would be level 140 and 150 in TWW.

*sits down to eat popcorn.

Tell me more about the olden days, grand daddy.

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We had to walk uphill and down hill, take a boat to finish 1 quest for Shaman Totems.

*Nods quietly while munching on popcorn.

Is there where you met grand mommy?

We met in the battles of Alterac Valley, where we spent days fighting in a single instance.

I must go now.


They probably already know it by now.

There have been very popular game systems that dont even use leveling…GURPS, for example. Now granted, that particular system is a bit base, not a lot of detail, but it was a ROLE playing system over and above mechanix and numbers.
Only reason we dropped it was because a couple players wanted more detail in the combat/damage area of the game, they didnt care at all about not having leveling.

There actually are other ways to reward players for playing the game other than irrelevant character level numbers.
The renown / reputation type thing can be used to limit and open things up during the expansion timeline.
Character levels, for this game anyway, clearly are causing problems in that they claim the numbers keep getting unmanageable or some such thing as theyre getting higher and higher.
If the scaling problems are a symptom of that, I certainly would agree.

Obviously they could have just left it as it was…we’d be what 130 or something right now, I think.
they COULd have just made leveling faster so we ding levels quicker and gotten thru the 130 in the same time frame as we do now…no squish needed.
I dont think a single person would have complained much if that had been done instead of the squish…and it might have left things where they didnt need to squish them again later on.

OR…as Ive said before…they could have scaled it ALL the same and just not let us into current content until we do X. What X is would be up to them, and it could be something we have to achieve in the same way we have to hit level X.

There were other ways to handle all this without this insane character level problem