Is LVL 80 the new max for warthinn?

Or is it 75? idk

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Dunno yet

80, Ion said they are adding 10 more levels.


considering it’s been awhile since we had 5 lvl to max I’d say it’s a good chance it’ll be 10 lvls

80 for this one, 90 for Midnight, and the Final Titan rounds us off at an even level 100.

At least, that’s my assumption.


On the climb to 100, then back down we go. :slight_smile:


Learn to type out words, please. Those three extra letters won’t kill you. There’s no such thing as whatever “warthinn” is.


So… Unbelivably stupid of them.

They got around and fixed the entire damn mess in SL and have now completely screwed over themselves and the effort they put into the fix for these stupid extra levels.

It adds absolutely nothing to the game than to destroy past content and effort.

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Part of the reason for the level squish was because the talent system couldn’t keep up.

Now it can.

Leveling is part of this game and so many people quit after the last squish. It’s not going anywhere.


Nothing can keep up with the constantly raised level cap. The “Hero talents” that they add is just this season of borrowed power.

They could have still tried to make a sustainable and stable system that doesn’t destroy the effort and resources they have put into the game.

By rasing the cap whenever they want to reuse a old dungeon or raid for a season they will have go through all the numbers for the place again, and every time they up the cap. Rather than just having everything easily templated to “ok set ilvl to x”.

A much better system would be to simply say 60 is max, and every new expansion everyone above 50 gets set to 50 rince and repeat.

Stat weight stays the same, scaling stays the same so they hardly have to constantly make updates to past works to ensure that they aren’t op or too easy.

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Pass, I’m fine with the current iteration, just looping 10 levels over and over feels awkward. I’m fine with item/stat squishes since those numbers are meaningless.


Personally, I wish they had kept us capped at 60 and instead introduced the hero talent think in 10.0.


It’s mechanically the same as what they do now with raising the level cap, but saves them a hell of a lot more work fixing stuff.

Yeah, could have kept a different level system for them like with the artifact weapons.

It’s not cause with your suggestion they would constantly be reworking and squishing stuff, whereas growing like they have been it would be 10 plus 10 etc with squishes as necessary.

They have already designed the latest content to scale from x-10+x. So had the level cap for DF been 60 then a squish to 50 would have left it effectively untouched.

No squishing or any other adjustments need. Just resetting players level and gear.

They already solved the issue, but have chosen not use their own solution.

And being stuck in a loop would feel unfun I’d say. Where growth and gradual squishes feel better, but it’s just that, we have different preferences.

The fondness for wanting to lock everything at x0 like 60 is something I’ve never understood though.

We are already stuck in a loop. But it’s a loop that greatly increases their work-load while simultaneously shrinking their own game rather than expanding it, with the expansion releases.

Because I’m not particular fond to see the effort they have put into their own content, like raid difficulty be discarded.

It’s like seeing Mona Lisa, But Lisa has been cut out.

That’s an assumption on your part though, the way they’re doing it might be less of a workload, rather than level and stat squishes every single expansion.

If it’s old content the difficulty absolutely should be discarded. Little to no one does except for mog runs, keeping it “current minus 1” wouldn’t change that, it would result in it being done even less.

I don’t understand this in the context of this conversation.

There’s a practical reason on why most people prefer 10 levels per expansion to 5.

One point of an expansion is to act as a gear reset. You can’t just stack secondary stats infinitely without it becoming detrimental to the experience as a whole. Like we saw in Nyalotha, when you get extreme amounts of Haste or Crit the gameplay for many specs gets very weird very quickly.

The way Blizzard does this is by increasing how much rating = 1% on a level-by-level basis. This means as you level, relatively speaking you’re getting weaker because you’re leveling up but BiS gear in Shadowlands eventually becomes equivalent/worse to green gear in Dragonflight.

So the end result of a 10 level expansion is that the decrease in power is much more granular. Going from 40-50% Haste (or crit or whatever) to 10% feels way less jarring when you do it over 9 level ups instead of 4.