Is Lor Themar going to rejoin the Alliance now?

Hey you use the greatest traitor to the blood elves knowledge about the void to become things that’s very presence could destroy the sunwell, that you had gotten back after it was first destroyed.

Easy to see why the Belves aren’t risking anything happening to the Sunwell again, none of them liked having to scrounge for mana to stave off devolution. And besides Umbric and his people where given the option to not perform the type of studies that they did, but Umbric continued on anyways because screw the possibility that he and his group possibly destroy the sunwell again thus bringing his people back to a dark period for them.

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what annoys me is that normally that should have been what happen , knowing lorthemar persona and the fact that the blood elves were a endanger specie at the time “kinda” and that they were only trying to help the other blood elves with their void magic research , perma banning them seemed very dumb and out of place for the character of lorthemar and forced by blizzard

why not just tell them they can do their research but they have to do it while staying in the ghostland or why not send them with the forsakens knowing that the forsakens have void magic knowledge and don’t care about it being used near them

its why I hate void elves not because i am againts the idea of void elves as a race but because for them to be part of the alliance and exiled from the horde/blood elves society the lore had to be ruined and twisted so hard

the void elf race is the poster child for the devs team to tell you “the lore doenst matter , if we wanna make it happen , it will”


Another fine example of a retcon.

Dar’khan Drathir learned the magic to cut off the Sunwell’s power from the High Elves from Arthas. I don’t think Arthas had knowledge of Void Magic. It was instead changed to Dar’khan knowing Void Magic all along to justify a prejudice against that power, despite having had Blood Elves using Void Magic for quite some time already.

It felt like such a random thing that I honestly wonder if the person writing the story for the Void Elves didn’t just pull up WoWPedia and scan for the name of a major antagonist for the elves that wasn’t Kael’thas.

Its doesn’t help that Umbric and his followers were exiled before they’d even found Dar’khan’s research, so it’s not like they were banished because of that.

I can just see Void Elves in the Horde. Umbric enter’s Rommath’s office.

Rommath: “Umbric, we need specialized wards around the Sunwell to keep out any unwanted visitors from the Void, such as a certain Windrunner traitor.”
Umbric: “My researchers have been working on such wards. With your permission we’ll place them around Quel’Danas.”
Rommath: “Good. See if you can’t make these wards re-direct into a jail cell in Orgrimmar or something.”
Umbric: “Yes, sir.”
Rommath: “By the way, are you still doing the other thing I set you and your men to?”
Umbric: “You mean using Void Rifts to send a sack of flaming hawkstrider dung directly into Jaina Proudmoore’s bed chambers once a day? Yes.”
Rommath: “Good. You’re dismissed.”


They were also able to make a void portal appear in the middle of silvermoon and have the void ethereals attack the same way they were kidnapped while studying darkhan’s dark magics.

Tbh I had always wished that after the void elves being forced into joining the alliance by alleria because tbh its what she did , she forced them , if you do the scenario she is like “oh yes I can help you with your void probs if you rejoin the alliance , if not than you can die not my prob :)” what a nice leader she is

anyway so i would have wished that a big part within the void elf ranks would have actually remenbered the betrayal of the alliance from jaina and garrithos and would be disgusted at how alleria is black mailling them into betraying their people that they started those dangerous researches for in the first place , to help said alliance , and that they would have spied on the alliance from within for the horde during bfa

then once silvermoon would have been attacked “it was presumed before the all old god none sense happened that silvermoon would maybe be attacked” that this faction of void elves would sabotage the alliance backlines and backstab them and be like “even throught the darkness of the void the eternal sun still guides us” and rejoin the horde in protecting silvermoon

Friendly reminder that in Lore Jaina imprisoned the Sunreaver civilians and only killed the ones who took up arms against her.

The in-game event is bugged because the AI couldn’t tell the difference between armed people with red names and unarmed people with red names.

Also she was imprisoning them for handing a super weapon to an omnicidal lunatic.


That’s not quite right and defending yourself, or your business etc. isn’t a crime warranting death. She also killed body guards. Of course the job of a body guard is to save guard… so (and those did not attack her).


Oh, I don’t think so.

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I was referring to Dar’khan lol, Arthas was not a traitor to the blood elves.

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Yes, I was just pointing out it was another retcon. Previously, Dar’khan hadn’t studied void magic. The magic he used to shut down the Sunwell for Arthas, was magic he’d acquired from Arthas. Now we’re told it was Void Magic he’d been studying himself all along.

It just smacks of lazy writing.

Do you remember that alliance players kill civilians? merchants? the guy who wanted to get his money out of the bank?


Everyone I killed hit first.

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If that’s where true then the sunreaver during the Baine rescue wouldn’t have been so upset.

Alliance side

Magister Hathorel: Ah. Right on schedule as Sylvanas knew you would be.
Jaina: We do not wish to end any more lives. Let us take Baine and go.
Magister Hathorel: No, Traitor. Lady Proudmoore. Do you remember me?
Magister Hathorel: I am Magister Hathorel, one of the many innocent Sunreaver mages you sicced your Silver Covenant dogs upon.
Jaina: There was more violence than I had wished, but it was the Sunreavers who betrayed us, first.
Magister Hathorel: A few who were following the orders of their lawful Warchief. As I do now.
Jaina: I will hold the barrier. Kill them!

Horde side

Saurfang: This feels wrong. Sylvanas must have known we were coming.

Magister Hathorel: Indeed she did, traitor. You and Lady Proudmoore.
Jaina: I have no quarrel with you.
Magister Hathorel: Have you forgotten the purge of Dalaran, murderer? Today, the Sunreavers will be avenged.
Jaina: Then your vendetta is with me, and me alone!
Magister Hathorel: No! You will watch your friends die–just as I did!
Magister Hathorel: Rangers! Kill them all! FOR THE SUNREAVERS!


I thought he originally disaled the shield because he knew how it worked not something he learned from Arthas, hence why having Dar’khan was a boon to Arthas invasion.

While this is true, that would only count for the shield, not the Sunwell. From Arthas he got the magic to cut the elves off from the Sunwell itself.

Honestly not seeing anything that says he was taught anything by Arthas to disable the well, I did find something saying he was empowered by Arthas.

Manipulated and strengthened by his “Blessed Lord”, it was his friendship with Lor’themar that allowed Dar’Khan to help Arthas and his army slip through the Thalassian defenses, slaughtering his own comrades in the process, all the while believing that Arthas was helping him to fulfill his desire for the Sunwell’s power. Dar’Khan was tasked with binding the Sunwell, to ensure [Ban’dinoriel] could not protect the kingdom from the undead onslaught.

And Dar’khan seemed to already have previous experience with the sunwell hence his recruitment.

the quests of the alliance order to kill those people who are civilians. remember gameplay = / = lore

mob AI is one thing and quest text is another.


Civilians who attack law enforcement first lose their rights to complain about being attacked.

If you don’t want to be attacked, come quietly instead of trying to kill the person arresting you.

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No. it’s not going to happen because One: Horde’s most played race is Blood Elves, Two: People would be having a fit if one of the Blood Elf Characters joins the Alliance that being their leader, and Three: High Elves are already playable on the Alliance.

WoW. Name calling and Calling people out by their person doesn’t make you much a good individual.