Is Lor Themar going to rejoin the Alliance now?

You used to make cool posts once before you anointed yourself forum content police :-/


The truth is… I was never cool from the start.

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We’re saving that moon for a different Ranger General.

It’s how the character was first introduced in Warcraft 3.


Kael’thas should join the Horde while becoming the bloodelfs leader yes.


Maybe he didn’t want Nathanos to not be a ranger because he was human, but because the guy was an egotistical bag of… something. Use your imagination on that one. A guy who knew he could outplay elf rangers and was eternally smug about the fact, and would just make them all look worse by being a part of their organization.

Sure, some of the elves may have wanted to keep him out for racial reasons, but maybe Lor’themar justifiably thought he was a tool.


If I have to rescue Baine one more time, his new name is going to be Penelope Pittstop.

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A tool? Sure. There are many pejorative things Lorthemar could have said that would have made sense to me. Tool. Braggart. Blow hard. Bloviating. Insufferable. Sylvanas simp - these would make sense enough. But Lorthemar - of all people - calling Nathanos a bully and saying he always… it smacks of revisionist history and almost a lazy retcon to push a new direction.

One of the more sympathetic things about Nathanos was that while he was alive, many of the high ranking Elves bristled at the notion of a Human joining the Rangers purely based on his race. Yet, Sylvanas fought for him. And he had the skill to back it up.

The idea of a person being unwelcome in an organization because of their race, then being allowed into it by an egalitarian power player against the wishes of her people, and proving their worth… then being called the bully… seems off. It brings to mind Southern Segregationists calling African American students bullies because the National Guard forced integration in schools. It feels disgusting.


The only thing I can think of to justify Lor’themar referring to Nathanos as a bully is the repeated attacks Nathanos launched against the lodge in the Eastern Plaguelands. This doesn’t change the fact that he was no doubt bullied while among the Rangers, of course, but its not entirely unheard of for the bullied to become the bully.

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It is undeniably silly that we have to work with Jaina Proudmoore during Bfa and right after.


Or a writing team completely unaware off the Sylvannas book.

That wouldn’t be unheard of, take stonetalon for example. Favorite iteration of garrosh but wasn’t what blizzard wanted garrosh to be so I’m always saddened by that quest chain.

I feel like you’re deliberately missing the point that elves can be racist in addition to Nathanos being a huge disrespectful windbag.


I kinda get the sense that once Sylvanas had vouched for him, Nathanos was probably the sort of guy who would push around the other Rangers knowing they couldn’t really say or do anything back because he had the favor of their Ranger-General.

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If I recall correctly, Lor’themar’s dialogue is specifically about how Nathanos acted while alive, and that lodge stuff would have happened after he was risen. It doesn’t match up.

The guy was plenty mean while a zombie, so I’m not sure what tarring his living side accomplished other than a posthumous “bad man was always bad” push.


There may be that level of nuance in Lor’themar’s characterisation, I extremely doubt it.

Or you know living Nathanos was not really that pleasant either, which probably made the rangers more likely to want to bully him and he in turning bullying them thus creating a vicious cycle.

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no, the alliance has elves who use void and are dangerous to the sunwell

To be fair, the Horde could’ve had them. All that needed to be done was, “Hey, you guys with the Void Magic. You’re no longer allowed on Quel’Danas. Anywhere else? That’s cool.”

For all the excuses of Night Elves being “racist” and “intolerant,” The Blood Elves are far worse. I mean, the Night Elves (eventually) accepted Demon Hunters back in, the one’s who were completely antithetical to their way of life.

But the Blood Elves not only rejected their own people, who did nothing by what to try to help, and pushed them into the arms of their Enemies…

And then did it again with Umbric and his followers.

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