Is Lor Themar going to rejoin the Alliance now?

when I did the scenario I legit wanted to go stand alongside him , sorry magister hathonel the writters forced my hands FeelsBadMan

I think I also remenber the flight master that you are sent to kill because he is helping other blood elves escape and he just tells you to “leave them alone”

heu if the law enforcement tries to arrest you with brutal force and you see them kill your friends for no apparent reason i would say at this point your argument doenst matter , also neither jaina nor the silver covenant are the dalaran law enforcements , the dalaran law enforcements turned a blind eye because jaina told them to do it I think

so really it was a civilian militia “silver covenant” that was allowed to go genocide/attacked another grp of people while the real law enforcement watched and did nothing


the orders were to kill them

Same. Even as a loyalist you were forced to kill those Blood Elves only to free the useless trash that is Baine. It’s a disgusting quest.

Yep, you are send to kill him so no one could escape.


Not true.
“Have you forgotten the purge of Dalaran, murderer?”
"You will watch your friends die, just as I did!"
Regardless of what they may or may not have said on twitter one billionty years ago, it is now canon. She is a murderer.


A human commander deliberately getting his elven troops killed because he despises their race is a good example of racism. One group of blood elves telling another group of blood elves to not mess around with a certain type of magic is not a very good example of racism.


As oppose to the blood elves allying with the Horde, you know the races that nearly destroy their city and would have done so without the Alliance help? Or maybe allying with the Zandalari, the people who just a few expansion ago were trying to attack and destroy them with the Amani?(fyi, would have suceeded to if not for help from the Alliance/Silver Covenant!)

What a laugh considering just a few expansion ago the blood elves were using and I quote from BC manual “volatile magic” to rebuild their city. The sort of magic that was tearing holes into the fabric of reality and letting arcane creatures into Azeroth.

Not to mention siphoning magic which the high elves were banished from Silvermoon for warning them about the dangers of it/refusing to participate.

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Yet the Blood Elves are more then welcoming of Death Knights, who just hours prior to joining them, was killing them in the Service of the Very one who slaughtered 90% of their people.

And STUDYING the research of your enemy isn’t anything worth condemning your own people for.

It’s Hypocritical (at the bare minimum) to condemn their own people for LEARNING about the Powers Dar’khan used (Not FOLLOWING him) While welcoming the Former followers and Allies of the enemy most responsible for their Plight.
(It would be like if the Night Elves Condemned the Orcs for following Saurfang because he led the horde into Darkshore, while Accepting the Forsaken as Allies.)

No but he was the one who actually MURDERED them and brought them to near-extinction.

If your friends get themselves killed because they’re resisting arrest, you should take the hint and not try to resist yourself.

Jaina WAS the Law as literally the Declared leader of the City, and as such, she had the authority to Pass laws, Issue warrants for arrests and yes, deputize anyone she saw fit to carry out that Law Enforcement.

Actually, you’re sent to disable the Dragonhawks and the Flight Master Attacks you.

I wasn’t saying it was an example of Racism.
I was saying it’s an example of Blood Elves being unjust and intolerant.

And the fact is, I wasn’t referring to JUST Umbric and his followers.
They did the exact same thing to the High Elves as well, for no more then disagreeing with their decisions. And they were the lucky ones. Those who weren’t exiled were Mind Controlled and Brainwashed.

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Yeah cause at that time they totally had “free will” to choose to serve him, also literally we’ve seen with Alleria that people who deal in or have a strong amount of void in them are inherently dangerous to the precious Sunwell.

Still not a traitor which was my point, and Dar’khan Drathir holds the blame of his people genocide for without him betraying his people and getting rid of the shield that protected the high home of the elves then the population of Silvermoon would more than likely still be in a better place.

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You forget my dude, the blood elves tried to rejoin the alliance not once but twice, first time was when they first returned to Azeroth yet the alliance would not accept them due to mistrust, then the second time Jaina purged the Subreavers from dalaran using the Silver covenant who where extremely bloodthirsty that day.


You mean because the Horde decided to leave breadcrumb trails so the Sunreavers(and at least one of them did betray Dalaran) would be blamed for the theft of the Bell?

Which apperently was well placed considering Kael’thas was playing them for fools all along and threatened to bring the Burning Legion to Azeroth’s doorsteps.

Its debatable at best if the Lich King couldn’t have found another way to break the barrier. Chronicles mentions it would have been harder to do so, not impossible.

Yet it was Lor’thremar who was leading the blood elves on Azeroth, and even he went against his prince once that betrayal happened. So to say that mistrust was “well placed” is rather disingenuous, and I will give you that a Garrosh spy did do that to the sun reavers but Jaina’s actions destroyed the negotiations due to the blood elf outrage.

This is a poor argument. They turned to “volatile magics” specifically because the Sunwell was destroyed. Now the Sunwell is back up and running, they’re not willing to endanger it by employing its cosmic opposite on the magic chart. That’s called not being stupid.

Lor’themar booting out that lodge of high elves was certainly a morally questionable thing to do, even if he felt it was the best way to smother dissension at a precarious time. Exiling the future void elves was completely justified though, and more merciful than the alternative Faelia mentioned would have been.


Except the only time the Sunwell reacted was when she was literally at its doorsteps. Also, considering the blood elves are still practicing warlock magic, a type of magic with its own potential cataclysm repercussions, it is still hypocritical of them to blame magic, any type of magic, as being inherently dangerous.

I also doubt they have banned shadow priest from practicing their magic as well.

If fel magic and void magic were equally poisonous to the Sunwell, they would indeed be hypocrites for outlawing one and not the other. As far as we know, this is not the case.

You also vastly overstate the place fel magic has in blood elf society – even in BC, blood elf warlocks had zero screentime compared to their paladins or mages or hunters – but even if every blood elf on Azeroth was a warlock, it would be irrelevant to this topic. The decision to exile the void elves was predicated entirely on the void’s demonstrably negative effect on the Sunwell. If your only riposte to this is “but ten years ago they used a different type of magic, so they’re hypocrites!” then I’ll just leave you to mull on that.

If anything, the blood elves’ first-hand experience with how dangerous these primal magics can be makes a pretty good case as to why they should take a harder stance on questionable magics. Cracking down on the one that’s an existential threat to their entire kingdom’s power source is a good start.

Well, if they’ve banned void practicing, it stands to reason the spec that practices the void is persona non grata in Silvermoon too.


so does it mean that trump can go around with a gun and a made up militia made of his supporters that arent qualified as real law enforcement officers arresting people by force now because he makes the laws and say they can ?

sorry but you making the “laws” doenst mean you are the one who have the right to enforce them , neither does it mean that you can make a militia made up of none qualified individuals to go kill civilians and ask the real law enforcement police to stand down and not do anything , thats called being a tyrant

also no jaina isnt THE leader of dalaran she is one of them as far i am aware dalaran has a council of leaders

yes so no one escape wow you pretty much just said what we said but with other words

no wonder he did , I would too , tyrants and murderers with no justification for their actions don’t deserve their authority to be respected , the fact that so many members of the alliance try to defend those inhuman actions just shows how hypocritical and garbage like people they are

“I am fine with tyranny and senseless murder as long as they are commited by people on my side and it doenst affect me” you are a great living being


No because USA and Dalaran have different laws

In Dalaran it does.

They didn’t, they went to arrest them and killed those resisting arrest.

Lol then you get what you deserve

Every single justification, the Horde kept abusing Dalaran neutrality, Jaina had enough and rounded up every Horde member in Dalaran for the safety of the Alliance.

Nothing inhuman about it, Alliance and Horde were at war, Horde kept fighting dirty so Alliance took the gloves off.

If my country is at war with another country and it is clear to pretty much every side that we are in the right and the other side is a bunch of raving genocidal loons, then my country invites some people from that opposing country in for the greater good of the world but they end up just abusing this neutrality to get an advantage in the war I am totally fine with them all being imprisoned and any resisting arrest or trying to escape killed.

The Blood Elves who willingly chose to re-enter Dalaran despite being allied with the Horde under the promise of not using the city to gain a cheap advantage during the war should have known full well this kind of thing would happen if their side kept playing dirty.

“But the Elves have been apart of Dalaran longer then any Human alive”

Yes and they remained Alliance. Any High/Blood Elf swapping sides to the Horde should have been kicked out the same with any other race swapping sides to the Horde.

9 days later


so I guess dalaran is worst than the USA , noted .

so much for it being one of the most progressive city in wow

still just as demented

they knew most would resist because thats what normal people would do , Imagine if strangers that you don’t know and don’t acknowledge as the authorities comes to your house and try to arrest you and your kin by force of cours you are gonna fight back

By the gods you really are a garbage human being , even more than most what is hard to do but you achevied it , my congratulation

they didnt had any

they had no proof of that , they just assumed things

me assuming you are a criminal and need arresting doenst mean you are , until I have proof

no jaina finally showed how crazy unstable and unfit to command anyone she is

killing civilian without proof of any guilt in a neutral city is inhuman

and dalaran is an neutral city

by breaking the neutrality of dalaran

I am not gonna bother reading or answering to this wall of none sense

anyway its been 9 days I am over this conv now bye garbage person , it was nice to meet you “not really”


When we’re talking about the Horde in MOP any law that hamstrings them is considered good.

Only if you’re talking about the braindead modern interpretation of the word ‘progressive’ meaning ‘as culturally suicidal as possible’

In times of war? With the circumstances of MOP? Hell no. People don’t understand how insanely lucky the Blood Elves were being allowed in Dalaran in the first place when they are aligned with a genocidal faction.

Lol what the hell are you talking about? Normal people don’t resist arrest.

Except Jaina WAS the prime authority of Dalaran so your point is moot.

People who actually use phrases like this, most of the time aren’t worth listening to. Such passive aggressive whiny drivel.

The Horde used Dalaran portals to steal an artifact from the Alliance(which they only kept to keep out of the war) and the Sunreavers tried covering it up.

Again, Jaina found concrete proof.

Letting the Horde off the hook AGAIN is crazy.

It stopped being a neutral city when the Sunreavers abused their neutrality when they already were given a second chance.

Read my above post

Nope, Horde did that.

Ok you admit defeat, thanks for admitting that.

I’m starting to think people who argue that the Purge of Dalaran wasn’t justified aren’t “All there” you know what I mean?