Is Lor Themar going to rejoin the Alliance now?

Did anyone tell him, when you rescue Baine, that you kill the sunreavers that he dropped negotiations for?

“Yo lor themar, those Elves that Jaina murdered in the purge of Dalaran? They got uppity again when they saw Jaina, but it’s cool dawg, they were Sylvanas aligned now. You don’t need to care about them anymore. That means they were evil am I right? Anyway, now that the sole reason the negotiations were cancelled is now officially taken care off does that mean they’re brought back on the table or nah? Maybe we’ll talk about it once a Horde leader starts something again, right? :wink:

damn BfA DID bring in some quality Horde fistbumps. Blizzard was right, this is the faction pride… I’m feeling it!


You should probably clarify which Baine rescue you’re talking about, because I spent a while trying to figure out how getting Baine out of Torghast has anything to do with the Sunreavers.

We rescue Baine a lot.


The very VERY sad reality, at least he has been someone worth saving comparatively :joy:

Oh my lmao. The fistbumps just continue giving.

Isn’t it sad how biased Blizzard is? How easily we can always brush off anything from the Alliance because they will write it that way? God forbid the Horde ever gets to be given a neutral good or worse a lawful good. A far shot from the advertised “Nobel outcast” faction.


What needs to be stopped is your terrible social compensation you get on a wow forum, like you said, you might get banned from yet another one :joy:


What? I thought we were the same guy, but now we’re multiple people?

My opinion towards Lorthemar has soured since BfA. He was alright before that. He seemed to be a relatively competent character with genuine good will for all. He even allowed Alleria to visit the Sunwell, despite Rommath’s warnings. He wasn’t overly antagonistic or obsequious.

But ever since BfA, I can’t stand him. At the Undercity, his voice seethes just mentioning Void Elves. But in Nazjatar, he wanted peace and Baine is the best of the Horde. And then he has the nerve to say Nathanos was a bully, when Nathanos was clearly unwelcomed by a racist High Elven Society. Many were against Nathanos being a ranger simply because he was a Human, even though he had the skill for it, yet Lorthemar calls him the bully? That sounds a bit petty.

I am sort of ambivalent about Lorthemar. Let Tyrande drop a Moon on him. Or Alleria toss him into the Void. Or have Kaelthas burn him alive as he reclaims his throne.


I like how the blood/void elf racism was a parallel to the nightborne/night elf racism. Really drives home that the Night elves deep down just produce racism and xenophobia :joy:

I mean, racism is bad I’ll never argue against it.

But from a purely pragmatic perspective having a group of people- your former people- who can kill your font of power just by being near it… for an American perspective it would be like… idk America expats being able to shut off the electric grid just by being near the main power plant.

I actually loved Loth hating Nathan’s- not because it’s right but because as a haughty High/Blood Elf that would be totally in character. Who is this human who dies after 80 years and is weak after 40 compared to a centuries old elf? That would likely be his thought process.

Yeah, I’m not overly enthused about his character anymore either. I’m not on the “just kill him” train like you are, but I’m firmly on the “stop reminding Blizzard Blood Elf characters (especially Rommath) exist” train if this is the kind of thing they’re going to be giving us.


That’s enough out of you, your posts have been equally as vapid and devoid of any real substance.

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Unfortunately for you, just because I say something you don’t want to hear, doesn’t mean you don’t still have to hear it :wink: keep in mind advanced word play is a beautifully obvious veil for a deeper need to feel important, especially here.

I’m with you there, if anything can we at least shift focus to the nightborne? Their history seems so rich for being shutouts haha

No, Erevien.

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I heaved :joy:

Yes Erevien.

we got a internet tough guy over here


Is that not what you’re doing here?


Between the lines, Lor’themar seems to have some subtle racism and bigotry against humans. Aside from his feelings and words towards Nathanos, when the Purge of Dalaran happened, he did not once question whether or not the Sunreavers had participated in the Theft of the Divine Bell. He took it for granted that they were innocent and humans were being bigots. The fact the Void Elves joined the Alliance seems to play into that at least a little; his prejudice specifically seems to be humans and elves interacting.

I think it’d be an interesting flaw to explore, and to see how it’s justified. Maybe we’d get a window into the military politics of the Second War. He was a veteran of that, so there are plenty of opportunities for him to have developed a kind of prejudice regarding humans and elves working together from that.


Assuming undeath amplified rather than created Nathanos’ personality, Theron was clearly onto something in characterizing him as a braggart and a bully.

More broadly, come on dude. You’re really going to look at the Horde under MoP-Garrosh or BfA-Sylvie and fault anyone for wanting an out? Blizzard’s writers have failed this faction in every conceivable way since its new beginning in WC3.