I don’t think the scourge comparison works because you didn’t need to believe in the light to want to fight back against it. Arthas was quite open about wanting to overrun the world with zombies. There wasn’t any room to misinterpret what was going on there.
The Lightbound had the misguided belief that if they forced everyone to abandon their culture and beliefs that it would help, believing this not only does not make the belief correct it just makes them horribly zealous monsters.
Tirion still fought them in the name of his religion. And AU Draenor was dying, though they weren’t sure of the cause or solution.
While I’ll give you that, it still wasn’t out of selfishness and intolerance. And if they were RIGHT about it, it’d be a very different discussion. Sometimes the extremist is right.
Sometimes abandoning a culture or belief is the right thing to do; eg, Argent Crusade and Church of the Holy Light vs Cult of the Damned or the Horde’s demon-worshipping days.
I don’t think someone can be both misguided and a monster.
No Thadeus a cultural genocide is never correct no matter how much you or anyone twists yourself in circles to justify it, and its fine that you don’t think that, but again like always you are wrong
Abandoning your own culture because the local extremists demand you do so is never the Right thing. Culture genocide is never justifiable, as much as you wish it to be
Every magic type is corruptive. Some just put on a prettier face(Light, Order) to convince people to be corrupted and others just go straight for the corruption.
Tell that to the globalists. In WoW, tell that to the Iron Horde and the Forsaken. There’s also some who’d call the Alliance internment camps for the Orcs a cultural genocide.
I wonder whether you’re taking side on Israel vs Palestine with that attitude. In WoW, didn’t you support Garrosh and Sylvanas?
Here I thought you were done with personal attacks. If not, right back at you. Back on topic, I’m curious what you think of the Iron Horde, the Burning of Teldrassil and you know some would call the Alliance interment camps for the Orcs a cultural genocide.
I am going to entirely ignore where this thread went and talk towards the topic.
I would say the reason it is far more common to see light fall to void than void fall to light is their fundamental natures.
Proverbially speaking, there are a million doors to the void, but there is only one to the light. I think it comes down to that, really.
However, even then, Locus Walker did note that he had realized every instance of the Light succumbing to the Void had been due to mortal intervention… so it might not be as common as it seems, its just we are a TERRIBLE influence on the shiny angelic chandlers.
Depends on that situation. But if real-world events are fair game, I’ll play along (two can play at that game).
If I acknowledged what Yrel did as wrong but sided with her anyway, what would you say to that?
The Light vs the Void seems to be another victim of past bad writing. They’re starting to get more consistent now, but there’s too many plot holes still.
Originally the idea was Naaru when full Light were good and bad when they went Void in BC. Though good when fully Light the Naaru aren’t infallible. Then the toxic lead devs behind Legion stuck their grubby, breast milk-stained fingers into that lore.
Plus, we have stories of Naaru turning Void but not of Old Gods turning to the Light. And this “one path for the Light” lore is contradicted by Lightforged Draenei being able to use arcane magic, which is another cosmic force; the cosmic forces are all supposed to be in some giant free-for-all, according to that same lore.
They’ve been doing a sloppy job with the lore for ages, especially to keep their lore straight. Let’s all drop the copium and call a spade a spade.