Is Light inherently more corruptible than Void?

Aman’thul is a Void Titan, he just hides it very well. Look at the Chronomatic Anomaly made from the Eye of Aman’thul. “Time devours everything.”

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By it’s nature, Light and Order have more rigid, more inflexible standards to maintain in order to stay in it’s grace.

Chaos and Void however are infinitely adaptable.


Can you give the exact quote, chapter and page?

From what you said, it sounds like Yrel’s holy war was an attempt to save AU Draenor from falling apart, so it wasn’t “MUH FANATICISM!”

On that note, I’m surprised they gave Xe’ra artwork in that book, especially artwork that wasn’t her getting jobbed by Illidork.

If what he says is true, sounds like Chronicles is saying it was their attempt to save the world rather than religious intolerance or fanaticism.

Chaos and Void by their nature are more treacherous and unreliable and it’s much easier to lose their favor/grace (commitment issues).

Its very much fanatacism to just assume forcing everyone to change to you culture will save the world


The Light just want your best.

Your money.

It’s page 150. It’s a a blurb on the Mag’har race as a whole. But here’s the quote for you.

Amid this crisis, Yrel had risen to become High Exarch and she was commanding everyone to become Lightbound, thinking it would slow the planets end. The Lightbound blamed the Mag’har for the damage being done to their world, and conflict once again roiled the two factions

Take it as you will, but the Lightbound are clearly in the wrong here and it’s still pretty zealous to tell an entire planets population Only my religion can save you and your world


Thanks. That’s still not religious intolerance or fanaticism. Did the Mag’har try to fix the problem of the damaged world?

Not if it actually would save the world.

Not if it actually works.

We don’t know, it looks they were never given a chance to see what the cause really was as conflict broke out shortly afterwords

And seeing how the lightbound never sought an alternative and instead blamed the natives, it’s religious zealotry by the book

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Except it doesn’t, cause we already know the orcs culture and religion was not the reason the world was dying, we know this cause orcs have been doing there culture for a very long time, The lightbound are nothing more then zealots


The desperation to have a “just” cultural genocide is very strange


The out-of-universe explanation obviously is that in pre-Legion Warcraft lore, the forces were far less morally grey. Light and Life were pretty much universally good, Fel, Death, and Void were pretty much universally bad, and Arcane and the Elements were neutral. Since Light was a traditionally good force, it wouldn’t be written as “corrupting” creatures


I think the whole Lightbound conflict was so contrived and one of the weakest lore points in recent history. Not to mention it feels like character assassination of Yrel who alliance players helped become a hero.

If there was any repercussion it should have been right after Hellfire Citadel and involved Grom/ Ex-Iron Horde.

I can’t really think of a good reason as to why Yrel would believe the world was in peril unless it had something to do with the Orcs use of Shadow magic. During the Mag’har scenario, the Orcs still wield it.

My only guess would be she learned more about the Void while Exarch. And given her family history with Ner’Zhul, she feared a Void incursion instead of demons.

I would say it is reasonable to be worried about the dangers of shadow magic, but the execution is still flimsy.


it was really not, cause the entire scenario had nothing to do with the iron horde, it was just a bunch of zealot light worshippers believing that their way of life will somehow stop the alternate timeline fading to nothing


You can’t really get more intolerant than a “My way or we plant you.” stance.

Whose the side with the Shamans again? Remember Draenei don’t get Shamanism until after some of them become Broken. And they’d be rejected by Yrel because she can’t LightBind them.


By proxy, Thadeus hopes to redeem Christianity from its complicity in similar acts of atrocity through the ages. The Bishops after all would call for God’s Mercy on those they had burned alive.

Blizzard needed a bad guy for the Mag’har, and Yrel was the only one available.

So it’s natives vs refugees.

That doesn’t mean religious zealotry if no one else tried anything else. On that note, if encasing something in Light crystals maintains stasis, stasis is superior when the alternative is destruction. Doesn’t mean Lightforge everything would’ve fixed it, but maybe they had a point if not the ideal solution.

Except they’re not, cause we know it’s an alternate timeline (which degrades if left untouched) and we know the Mag’har were the ones who deforested Gorgrond and wiped out the Breakers, and Gul’dan pumped Taanan Jungle full of Fel. Sounds like you just assume any claim of a religious solution is zealotry.

“Plant you”? Still beats the Iron Horde’s policy.

Did the shamans prevent the decline? No. So they failed. And someone tried something else.

Not my goal. And it still beats the actual genocide the Mag’har attempted as the Iron Horde (which you seem desperate to deny despite how the actions of the Iron Horde don’t reflect on the Horde).

Is it hard to see from up there on your atheist high horse? If only you knew the horrors of atheistic regimes;

Wrong and weak personal attack from someone with the opposite agenda that I’ve refuted elsewhere and make no further effort to refute.

They didn’t need a bad guy. Did the Zandalari troll recruitment scenario have a bad guy? Technically no. Or the Lightforged Draenei scenario?

If they had to, they could’ve also used the Breakers, Gorian Ogres (who had an uprising) or the Void given Ner’zhul’s actions and the pale Orcs.

Cause the only solution would be time magic, It is indeed religious zealotry to wipe out a culture when there its not only not the problem its nowhere near the solution

How were Yrel or anyone else there supposed to know that when the only bronze dragon there was the long-dead Kairoz? And Garrosh didn’t exactly explain things after he killed Kairoz.

Light seems to be closest thing to time magic if that stuff with those crystals is canon.

They didn’t so they just threw stuff at the wall to try and see what stuck and nothing stuck cause the timeline collapses right as we save the mag’har showing that yrel’s genocidal crusade stopped nothing

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“Throw stuff at the wall to see what sticks” doesn’t exactly sound like religious zealotry. When you’re trying everything, at some point religious elements will get tried too if they’re there.

Why do you apply the word “genocide” to Yrel’s group but not the Iron Horde?