Is LFR releasing on Tuesday?

I mean, I still think what “hardcore” raiders would do is not a reason to delay LFR opening.

So they have to do one wing of LFR once a week? So what?

In a world where they have to grind out rep every day for nearly 4 weeks… clearing LFR once a week seems far less oppressive.


Not when you’re below average item level

Lag isn’t the issue.

And regardless of both of these, it still doesn’t change the fact that gating LFR has no reason behind it.


But it’s “just one lousy week” according to you.

Well, I have mythic raid experience in almost every tier from its inception and heroic experience before that when that was the top tier. Maybe you’re on an alt, but your 6 LFR boss kills this expac don’t lead me to believe you’re more qualified than me to talk about Mythic raids.

It is 100% possible to begin Mythic progression with the previous tier’s mythic loot. While heroic gear upgrades are certainly beneficial, and will absolutely be used by guilds racing for the World First, saying that it is required is just straight up false.

So you have no idea what you’re talking about. Got it. Moving on.

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It’s not just hardcore raiders. It’s mediumcore, softcore, basically every raider except those who are the most absolutely uninterested in power would be interested in a “free” tier piece.

20 minutes of daily quests you can do while enjoying chill vibes =/= herding cats for an hour.

Not comparable. LFR sucks. World quests are fine.

LFR releases when it does. I’m not too concerned at least personally because I got really behind on Shadowlands.

I know this is completely off topic, but if someone were to toss you money to the ‘wallet’ in, are you able to buy a race-change? Asking because I’m curious.

You’ve been given several reasons. Your dislike of those reasons isn’t an indication they don’t exist.

Gating LFR has a purpose. It’s been explained. You don’t like it. Get over it, because they’re not going to change it.

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I would bet money that anyone remotely involved with RWF would get at least, probably more than the bosses needed for vault mythic week 1 if mythic released week 1.

To me, world quests suck and LFR is fine. Your viewpoint is not universal.

You’re naive if you think raiders of all levels would feel required to run LFR for minimal power increases.

Let me clarify. It has no reasons outside of insane hypotheticals.

Whatever … those same people are grinding out the rep which again is far worse.

Rofl? What? What are you basing this off of? I thought LFR was easy mode you can afk through?

Also if you take a coordinated “team” of folks who normally clear normal/heroic/mythic, they probably won’t struggle in LFR.


And you are?

Without a doubt. They’re not going to throw away heroic loot opportunities that will help them to flex and prove the point, but the idea that heroic is “required” for Mythic is absurd. Each difficulty is tuned so that you can begin your chosen difficulty in a tier with nothing but the gear from that difficulty in the previous tier.

Normal raiders can do Normal without needing LFR loot.
Heroic raiders can do Heroic without needing Normal loot.
Mythic raiders can do Mythic without needing Heroic loot.

People have this bizarre notion that you for some reason need to progress through the difficulties, and while you can, it is by no means designed with that intent.

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Even one decent player can absolutely carry an entire LFR raid by just nuking the boss.

Then start your own group.

You’re the one who used having a crappy computer as an excuse to not do Normal.

You are aware there are problems are than lag, yes?

The power increases are less and less “minimal” and power substantial as you go down. Normal mode raiders would more largely benefit from the power of LFR even if they only want to play Normal, it’d actually be ilvl upgrades from LFR. Heroic Raiders would get side-grades to fill missing slots and get tier.

They’re not hypothetical. We literally see Mythic raiders dip into LFR even with a week of time-gating. You don’t think we’d see it more if there was no time-gate? Lol.

A lot of posters in this thread just seem to be salty that the answer doesn’t conform to their liking.

Like what? Explain computer problems you’d get in Normal that you wouldn’t get in LFR.

I bet you have some fun opinions on Dark Souls and difficulty.

…even if it’s just to keep people around that would otherwise leave AFTER LFR was finished, it’s still stupid. Let people do the content they want to do, this isn’t rocket science and yet Blizz and the other dregs wonder “Why do people not stick around in this boring grindfest enviroment we made? It’s great.” Just let people do the content they want to do.


Poor FPS is my problem, and it’s less of a problem in LFR than it is in other types of content, because if I die it doesn’t affect as badly.

Then join a Normal group with half the people as LFR, it’ll solve your FPS issue. If you’re having low FPS in a 10-man or 14-man group, I’m not sure how you even play this game tbh.