Or is it going to get pushed back for no reason?
Raid bosses: 11
Difficulties: Raid Finder, Normal, Heroic, Mythic
Level: 60
Raid Finder Minimum Item Level: 220RAID UNLOCK SCHEDULE
March 1 – Normal and Heroic difficulties. Note that the last three bosses (Lords of Dread, Rygelon, and The Jailer) will NOT be available in this first week.
March 8 – The remaining three bosses unlock for Normal and Heroic. All bosses are available for Mythic. Raid Finder Wing 1: Ephemeral Plains (Vigilant Guardian, Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener, Artificer Xy’mox, Halondrus the Reclaimer) becomes available.
March 22 – Raid Finder Wing 2: Cornerstone of Creation (Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle, Prototype Pantheon, Lihuvim, Principal Architect) becomes available.
April 5 – Raid Finder Wing 3: Domination’s Grasp (Anduin Wrynn, Lords of Dread, Rygelon) becomes available.
April 19 – Raid Finder Wing 4: The Grand Design (The Jailer) becomes available.
It’s not “for no reason”. It’s so players experience the content the way it is meant to be experienced for the first time.
How does having LFR released with the rest of it prevent players from doing normal or higher?
And so that players actually putting in effort aren’t overtaken by players auto attacking.
How will they be overtaken lmao
LFR gear is miles behind even normal gear
Gear isn’t everything. Story is a thing too.
Having LFR delayed means that players who are playing this video game and want to see the content as it was meant to be seen will see the content for the first time in an actual real raid format. It’s very straight-forward.
Indeed. I don’t expect to defeat Heroic The Jailer on the first week, why should you be able to defeat him on your difficulty on the first day of the patch?
Does having LFR released with the rest of the raid prevent players from doing normal or higher somehow?
Because the rewards are lessened because it’s an easier difficulty.
You cited that story matters and then support artificially pushing back the story for over a month for the casual player.
Makes no sense to me.
CaSuAls BaD, ELiTiST GoOd
It’s both really. And normal isn’t locked to you. The whole thing is available day 1. Or it usually is anyway.
It is when you have a toaster laptop, garbage gear, little time, and no guild to play with.
LFR allows me to play when it’s convenient for me in a low pressure environment that I can leave whenever the need arises.
Didn’t say that hardcore raiders were bad pal
Arbitrarily gating casual content does not benefit the hardcore players who were never going to do it in the first place in any capacity.
There is no reason for this content to be delayed.
Sounds like a you issue.
I already replied to you -
It’s almost like having an easier mode that wasn’t arbitrarily gated for a month would be the perfect type of content for me and players like me
Maybe, but then those just playing for story would stop first week. Win some, lose some. You decided to just aim for the easiest content. There’s gotta be drawbacks.
But you didn’t answer how having LFR released with the rest of the raid prevents people from doing it “the correct way”
So you agree that it’s an artificial time gate solely to drag out subs of casual players.
Very cool
The drawback is the lower rewards.
Circles back to what I said. Gear isn’t everything. Otherwise you wouldn’t do it, as LFR reward is lower than even world content.
It doesn’t
In a typical raid setting, raiders don’t clear all bosses within one sitting
The raid being released weeks apart is the same similar situation where a raid group progresses till the last boss
If raiding was braindead easy, mythic world first raiders would have gotten it done within a day
So blizzard makes that same situation apply to LFR raiders too
If you wanted to see more than 3 bosses, then get out of your comfort zone and actually do normal
Putting handrails on a walkway helps prevents people from making a mistake.
If there’s only one clear path forward, people will walk the correct path.