If you don’t like challenging content, why would even consider playing a dark soul game?
I’ve been an LFR hero since its release, and I can count the number of times I’ve seen a mythic raider on one hand.
Additionally, why is it okay to inconvenience the larger population of players who do LFR but not okay the smaller population of “hardcore” raiders?
My laptop doesn’t even have a dedicated GPU my guy. I’m going to have single digit FPS regardless. But in LFR that is less of a detriment, because the bosses are easier.
Not sure either tbh.
But even if I had the best computer in the world and was part of a guild that raided precisely when I was available, it still would not justify gating LFR.
He says he lags however many players are in but dying in lfr has less impact. Telling him to join a smaller group will just make his death even more impactful.
It would and it does. You trade ease of access for the rate at which you can kill the bosses.
Sounds like he just pops into LFR with 3 FPS, gets hit by literally every mechanic because he has 3 FPS, and then has people carry him to boss kills.
You make a lot of assumptions my dude
And even if that was the case, why would it matter to you what happens in LFR?
Not really a hard assumption if you say you have single digit FPS, which is basically unplayable.
You say you never see mythic raiders in LFR, but Heroic and Mythic raiders carrying you are the reason bosses actually die in LFR while you’re dead on the floor from having 3 FPS.
Heroic and mythic raiders are the ones topping the charts doing 5-6k DPS every pull?
I should alert their raid leaders.
That’s kind of unplayable for any kind of video game in my books. How in the heck do you do mechanics? or do you just get killed and let others carry you?
Maybe not right this past season. But this one with tier sets? 100% will happen.
Beside, did you ever consider they have lower dps than they usually have because they have to do the mechanics your dead self isn’t doing?
You still get tanks and healers going in and getting augment runes doing way more output than they should need to in order to clear LFR. Poor tanks like 5th on damage because of all the DPSers with 3 FPS.
Do they not have to do the mechanics during the mythic raid?
They do. But the other 19 not dead can be chosen as well.
LFR isn’t group content. Group content can’t be joined via a queu.
It doesn’t matter what your feelings are on the matter. Casual players raid/do mythic plus/arena/rbg. They do all sorts of content at all levels. Just using raiders for example.
You’re trying to imply that players that do LFR are casuals. Some may actually be. However when you try to justify your very weak argument by trying to hint that casuals won’t be the ones in normal and heroic already.
Casual doesn’t mean bad at the game.
There also isn’t any gatekeeping in this game.
You have zero mythic exp this expansion.
You have at most a couple boss kills in each tier of BFA.
You’re a heroic raider that did some mythic kills.
My current main is Kaliendara-Argent Dawn. I tanked 8/10M CN and 5/10M SoD. I tanked 11/12M Nya’lotha on my DH, Zothlaar-Argent Dawn.
I’m not a CE raider (and didn’t claim to be), but I am absolutely a Mythic raider.
Are there people really mad at LFR and that believe it is OK to timegate LFR?
It makes NO sense to timegate LFR. It should release along with normal and heroic.
LFR raiders are players too and they pay their share, just as much as all of you.
Its so dumb to be afraid that a LFR raider is ahead of your normal progression guild. Get over yourself, elite will clear normal and heroic on week 1. Mythic will also probably be cleared on week 1.
Stop pretending that your useless middle of the pack scrub progression is important and that it is affected by LFR raid. If anything your bad guild could probably progress better if LFR was available… you know, reduce the difficulty if you’re stuck.
I cant even with some of you…
Chill out bro we all have different opinions. I personally love to see LFR removed but not going to be hateful just because it exists and others have different opinions.
Some of the people in this thread think they’re gods gift to raiding and generally don’t even see LFR players as people
Imagine thinking that people are giving it their all in LFR.