Is LFR releasing on Tuesday?

Well in a way, yes it will be released on a tuesday, just not next tuesday.

There are reasons for it, they want raiders to have a chance at running through it on normal/heroic first.

Having LFR released with the rest of the raid doesn’t prohibit them from doing this


Guess that means it’s time to put lockouts on Mythic+ then.


No one is forcing anyone, no matter how you put it in quotes. You want your tier that badly? That’s on you. The Vault gives you a chance at it too.

And no one is forcing you. Are going to whine about this the next week when LFR releases and you still don’t have your tier?

My god, this has been a thing since the end of Cata and no one lost their mind over it. :roll_eyes:

No it doesn’t. No one who is solely running LFR ever had any intention of trying to run Normal or Heroic. Nor do you want them in your group anyway. They’re “filthy casuals who can’t play the game,” remember?

They do have requirements if they want to finish LFR. It’s called “you can’t get in unless you have this minimum ilevel.”

And no, they pay the same amount for this game as we do. They’re already gated weekly. Delaying it even more isn’t incentive or correct. We don’t live in a caste system here. :roll_eyes:

Releasing wing 1 that same week doesn’t stop this.


There’s NUMEROUS artificial barriers already put on M+. Between ilvl lock the first week of the season, deleveled gear that requires Valor to have at its intended ilvl, the Valor cap, the best ilvl only coming from Cache, there are already layers upon layers of gating to prevent M+ players from getting the rewards that they’ve earned.

This wasn’t the clap-back you thought it was, lol.

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Look man, you said it. If you are doing progression raiding, you are just about forced into Mythic+ for gearing.

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But it does push normal/heroic raiders into lfr who wouldn’t normally be there as they try to min/max through the raid. People can wait, there’s nothing wrong with a little patients.

Now releasing the raid should be opened up in its entirety for lfr when unlocked. (Still broken into wings, as it is now just available right away)

You said the problem was that players will be forced to do LFR while ignoring the fact that many raiders are effectively forced to run M+.

How is it a problem for LFR and not one for m+


Yes, and M+ has paid for that with numerous systems designed to limit the amount of mandatory interaction from Mythic raiders.

What you said isn’t true, that’s how.

We don’t have the full “unleashed” version of M+ with no Valor cap until many, many months into a patch when Mythic Raiders would no longer benefit from it. We still, to this day, don’t have max ilvl Valor upgrades either.

M+ is absolutely wrapped up in numerous gates and barriers to minimize the feeling of it being mandatory.

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Neat, not the argument though.

Raiders complained in the past they felt like they had to do lfr for progression in past expansions. So they nerfed the ilvl and the timegating has happened for a while I think. I remember when lfr just came out. I used to do it just for the transmog on my hunter. Fun stuff. Fun tier recolors. At least the tier is back. Players complained in MoP that lfr raiders got tier and they made them (lfr sets) so much worse in WoD.

No it doesn’t. Only ONE boss in that wing drops tier. This myth is ridiculous. No one lost their minds over the years of LFRs and felt forced to run LFR.

And if you really feel that much of a sense of urgency to try for that ONE tier piece, it’s ONE RUN for that week. ONE.

And then you’d still be right back in there the next one if you’re that obsessed.

So this “argument” is a bad one.

People pay the same amount of money we do to play this game. This isn’t a caste system. Wing one hurts no one.


Ehh I feel more pushed into mythic +. Just easier to get groups going for 5 man content. LFR I just wanted to do for transmog. Doesn’t mean I would go into normal/heroic raids for that at this point of the expansion. The timegating is just silly.

You mean like grinding out enlightened rep? Did that one just slip through the cracks? I would much rather run LFR once in that week, than do dailies every day for weeks on end.

I think there are legitimate arguments to be made about “too many difficulties”. I don’t think this makes any difference though. With M+, or even the way catch up gear has worked in the last 2 patches, you can pretty easily skip LFR and even normal to a large degree. Tier this patch might change things, but not by much.

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It was, you just don’t like the answer.

The changes to M+ exist to make M+ feel less mandatory for raiders, the same way LFR is changed to make LFR feel less mandatory for raiders. You just seem a bit mad that your attempted zinger didn’t stick.

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Except you can still get genuine power rewards from day one. It may be more optimal later, but you can use it to get genuine power rewards right out of the gate.

It is still effectively required

It will definitely change things. We already saw this play out in SoD where people ran LFR for dom socket pieces.

It wasn’t, there was no answer to not like.

Pretty sure you said LFR would be mandatory, that is currently how Mythic+ works, especially since it’s an even easier way to gear.

Lol yikes, please point out the anger.

You ok, bud? Did you need a hug or something?

LFR wing 1 has only ONE tier piece. You want to obsess over that ONE piece? That’s all on you.

Y’all would still whine you’re “forced” to run LFR that second week when you don’t get your tier. So that first week is meaningless to try to keep people out of a raid.


We know how much blizzard loves the raiders. Causing timegating for lfr is just annoying.