Is LFR releasing on Tuesday?

Why would a players who just hit level cap and probably aren’t in a guild yet know this? LFR has been out for a decade but they haven’t.

It highlights how poor of an argument it is. The reason they ban is because a semblance of fairness is required. The reason LFR gets timegated is because the content falls over for anyone doing it.

Don’t like it? Go do normal. You can claim you’re being delayed, but you’re not. You’re makkng the decision not do the content.

I think you vastly underestimate the amount of new players, but even so, most people will notice that there is other difficulties and assume that there is more challenge in said higher levels.

They’re already introduced this idea when they go from normal to heroic dungeons

The reason they banned the mage tier people is because players clearly broke the TOS by having other people pilot their account

Again, 1000 percent false equivalence

And because of that, the rewards for doing it are significantly worse. That is the downside of LFR. Having an artificial gate is unnecessary.


Imagine supporting account sharing and rmt. Delusional

Also it’s way too early to pickup on sarcasm if this is the case.

It is because the special snowflakes Raiders will get their feeling hurt by lfr scum. Not kidding only reason why this is still happening to this day. The 1% just have to have everything first and ignore the other percent that actually supports the game. It is the one main reason why I hate this game. It appeases the smaller base at expense of its larger base. They can claim otherwise. The fact is Ghostcrawler even stated raids would not be done if not for the larger base supporting the game.

A person can give any excuse they want and still boils down to favoritism for 1%. Then right behind that is alliance getting dids on everything else that ruins this game. Do not like the truth. Tough the raiders and alliance have pretty much sunk this game. If not for fact i forgot to turn off auto renewal only reason I am here now. As most of the Horde players have permentaly left the game. If you say prove it, I say prove me wrong with my statement with facts. Challenge this and You must proove me wrong.


pops into the thread to see what the commotion is over

looks at 100k set aside to buy AOTC and not worry about any of this


You realize that the 1% are the RWF people right? They don’t even register that LFR exists.

You’re taking your anger out on the wrong people

Nope. Itis place right at the right people. Do your research!

You mean the story y’all will finish in a day of clearing Normal?

Sure thing.

This doesn’t make any sense. No one asked for all of LFR to be released at once. There’s zero reason wing 1 can’t be released the same day as the rest of the difficulties.


Sidenote I don’t know why everyone is giving first week comparisons of completing sepulcher.

Not like anyone can do that in any difficulty anyways.

And why is it against the TOS to begin with? Why don’t they just let it happen?

Who does it hurt? No one, it’s about as victimless of a crime as you can get. But it still is because obviously it impacts the game’s integrity to let people just spend money on this stuff (unless you want to buy a WoW token :wink: )

They can do as much or as little as they want to create the semblance.

Chances are they like dragging out people’s time played, but considering they try to hook people on 6 month subs anyways I’m not sure how much they are motivated by this or not.

fills up your coffee mug

When you chose to not do group content you have a penalty of waiting

Outside of the time gate, they could have. The only thing stopping them is the week two time gate.

But releasing wing 1 the same time as the other difficulties hurts absolutely no one.


For the solo player. Casual players are the ones in heroic and normal not clearing it in the first week.

Alright, I’ll bite…what exactly have alliance players done to ruin the game?

Did they finally allow solo queue LFR that I’m not aware of?

LFR is inherently group content.

Again, the penalty is the lower quality of loot that you receive.

Gatekeeping what is or isn’t a casual player is pointless as casual means different things to different people. There are casuals who play one day a week, and there a casuals who raid three times a week. It is inherently a subjective spectrum.



No one has yet to answer me this:

How does releasing wing 1 the same day as Normal and Heroic in any way affect those who are running Normal and Heroic?

All that does is push back the final wing by one week. One lousy week.

So what’s the problem?


Yes, it does. “Forcing” players to play LFR for optimal power gains hurts them. It absolutely does.

Ion Hazzikostas has acknowledge that this mentality of “don’t force people to do things they don’t want to do” is valid - players will feel obligated to do something if it makes them stronger AS PART OF THE CORE DESIGN OF THIS GAME.

Delaying LFR is only a good thing. Encourages more people to do real raid, minimizes contact with LFR for people who don’t want to LFR, and doesn’t really change about the way LFR players interact with the game because LFR players don’t have any requirements for progression and can afford to wait and won’t “fall behind” since there’s nothing for them to fall behind of.

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The penalty is whatever they decide and they decided it would also be delayed.


Again with the false equivalence. Breaking the TOS two different ways (RMT and account sharing) to beat a limited time challenge mode with unique rewards is in no way comparable people want to experience the raid the same time as everyone else.

You are right about affecting the integrity of the game though. Something that LFR being released at the same time as the rest of the raid does not do in literally any capacity