Many people would do it because raiding is fun, the gear can also be stronger because of passive effects from things like trinkets and tier sets, etc
It has nothing to do with comfort zone and everything to do with lack of expensive equipment and/or time, and even if it was a comfort issue, that’s not an excuse to artificiality drag out content to simulate a progression curve.
No one is expecting BIS gear from LFR
Except players who are doing normal/heroic/mythic progression typically don’t enter LFR to begin with. Gating this content only hurts people who want to experience the content, and doesn’t benefit the players who weren’t going to do it anyways.
Then why is it bad you have to wait an extra week for it?
I’m not going to tell you to go do normal or heroic-- I get that people have different priorities and comfort levels. That being said, I don’t see why waiting one week for a queue-able version of the raid is the end of the world. Like, we’re gonna have a LOT of time to kill this tier. One week isn’t going to make a difference.
Did I say it was a bad thing? But some/many will believe it is, because it forces them to do it to be competitive. The same way some raid guilds require participation in m+ because the rate of gearing is by far superior to raiding.
They have to tune LFR for guaranteed success to the lowest common denominator, so the only way to have the progression arc of the story is to artificially simulate it with gating. It is a direct result of LFR bosses being target dummies with loot.
It affects the players doing it. They don’t want players finishing the raid Week 1 and then complaining that they’re all done and asking what is left. So you get gated to match a more natural progression arc experienced by other raiders in their chosen difficulty.
Yeah, that is kind of my issue with LFR. I think it hurts the number of new players who look to do other raiding because they think that is what raiding is. It isn’t, but how would they know better.
Raiding LFR isn’t against the TOS. Blatant false equivalence.
“You think you do but you don’t”
Because this feature has been out for over a decade. Literally no players think that LFR raiding is an accurate representation of higher difficulty levels in raids.