Is LFR releasing on Tuesday?

They made a sweeping change that affected thousands of players because a few dozen players felt that they had to do easy content. Forgive me for not feeling sorry for these clowns who got bullied into doing LFR by their raid leaders.

We’ll see in two weeks how the rwf guilds stomp these bosses.

If they couldn’t even attempt the final boss for two months there would be outrage.

That’s the difference, there is no hard wall where you are absolutely unable to progress because Blizzard says you can’t.

If we’re going for the RWF strawman that mythic is too easy, good luck. You are yet to step into a mythic raid in this expansion, So your opinion on how easy or hard mythic raiding might be is almost completely worthless.

From whom? People who don’t even raid but just watch somebody else do it instead?

Don’t really care what those people think.

You’re missing the point.

If you’re capable, you can progress at whatever pace you want without any intervention. The sky is the limit.

Having a a two month long hard progression lock on the easiest made is absolutely backwards.

The people who actually do the content.

Ill go one further and say if there was a two month lock on literally any other difficulty people would not stand for it.

I’m already running into my first issues trying to use Wowprogress to find guilds again.

I picked out a guild listing that was 10/10 Heroic. It’s a name I recognize from my days of playing on the server in Wrath of the Lich King and thus it’s got history (which I like and seek out in a guild). They’re one of the few guild listings on there with a big description and an officer contact.

I just did a /who guild in-game. One person. One. Person!

I’ve done similar with other guild listings and sometimes I don’t even get that. And I am going to have to try to do that with every single listing. And even if I do get contact with someone, there’s no telling that guild will be friendly, welcoming, and accomodating.

Guild hunting really is tough. Can folks please try to understand that here?

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I do the content. I don’t give a damn when the “RWF” people kill the bosses.

But then again, I’ve NEVER understood people who would rather watch somebody else play a game instead of play it themselves. /shrug

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again did you read what i wrote – they wernt bullied - they do it vountarily because its teh right thing to do when you are part of a team , selfish me me me me types dont belong in teams . the vast majority of players in guilds would do the levels below whatthey were raiding to get gear .

We raid normal/heroic . All my team do LFR and continue to do normal when we have cleared it and working on heroic to fill gaps in their gear and collect any currency that drops . It is what you do if your a raider , they dont have to be told .

It really isnt though

It’s a Friday night in the 1 week off season. When you see a guild that looks interesting, try reaching out closer to their raid time, when the members are more likely to be online.

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Would you be upset if you Blizzard only let you do three bosses every two weeks?

welcome to teh ICC release in wrath - where we got a new wing open every month - 4 months to open the entire raid . Some compalined most just went about their business and played the game

They dont have to be told until they don’t feel like doing it anymore and get benched if they don’t.

Other players shouldn’t be punished because some players are sick of doing something that they voluntarily do. Mythic raiders made the choice to commit to that type of gameplay, if you don’t want to do it you do not have to.

That was because there were so many bosses, lol.

Cool, one single instance from over a decade ago.

Great example.

I’ll try that. Thank you for the actually helpful reply, unlike the other dude.

On the contrary, I would be delighted.

More time to gear up for the harder bosses, or just take a week off.

I assume people doing LFR only have that option; so that is silly.

All they are doing is shaming people who can only do LFR.


It’d be nice if they did the bigger raids again. There needs to be more raids and dungeons. This expac was very sparce in that content and just overall in content. I understand the reasons why, it just sucks. I hope next expac is better.

No, it isn’t. “If you’re capable”. Everyone is “capable” of clearing LFR because it is basically a cinematic where you get to push buttons. Some people can die and lay on the floor watching other people push their buttons, often badly, until the boss falls over.

The “raid” itself provides no challenge to the capability of the participants, so the game has to gate the content, otherwise 100% of the people who choose LFR as their content would be successful week 1. That is not engaging content.

There will not be a 100% clear rate in any of the actual raid difficulties, and thanks to the gating, and only the gating, there won’t be in the LFR version either.