Is LFR releasing on Tuesday?

incorrect . Trinkets with good effects and especially tier gear were often far better even at LFR level than anything else . Some Mythic guilds forced their members to run LFR plus normal plus heroic plus their mythic runs each week till they had them . heroic guilds would do lfr/normal and heroic , etc .

Bliz realised this wasnt a good thing and changed the release shedule an couple of expansions ago.

I see people complain about Mass Effect too so I’m not sure that’d solve anything, lol.

Most of the time they complain about the ending of 3, hence why I suggested 2.

Well, you could be right. Normal and above are naturally organised group experiences. I tend to think the premade system for putting raid groups together is only a short step away from LFR since you dont know the people from past experience (generally) and unless you are paying to be carried there will always be a degree of disappointment from failures. Obviously guild runs or organised runs through other channels such as communities and Discord groups will provide a better experience.

I doubt your idea of the single player NPC fight would have worked. They would have had to design an entirely new system for every fight of every raid, whereas LFR just needs tinkering to adjust it to that lower scale. They could have tried other things, perhaps slicing up LFR into single boss queues so people could pick a selection and if there was a wipe at least it wasnt an entire LFR wing wipe. But it is what it is and unless they remove it, or make it more difficult I doubt there will be much change.

So they changed it because of oppressive guild leaders threw temper tantrums.

Sounds like the players should have a backbone and their their dictator raid leaders no.

Because you cant disprove it.

This is my main because I rerolled. Is your warrior your main?

Nope, I took a break. Guild got CE. Either way wasnt hardstuck on ANYTHING for a year.

Oh it could work. If anyone didn’t play in Wrath (or doesn’t remember), you might want to check out Battle for the Undercity when we get Wrath classic.

Or just watch it on youtube. :laughing: There are different Horde & Alliance versions.

It would be more work for Blizzard. LFR is their cheap cop-out solution that didn’t do what they hoped it would.

Whatever helps you sleep at night schlub

On and off, haven’t played Shadowlands much in general

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To the point where this entire discussion doesn’t affect you, since you can’t enter LFR when it comes out anyways.

I sleep just fine.

Is it just because you’re bad or because you would rather cry on the forums?

Turns out, I’m not the only person who does LFR.

Having to wait two months to do the content you want to do is unacceptable.

If every other difficulty had to wait two months, they’d all be equally outraged.

The vast majority of people who will kill mythic jailor will not fight him for more than 3 months.


^ This. A lot of people don’t seem to realize this.

But the difference is there’s nothing stopping you from doing it if you have the capability.

LFR players are 100% unable to even attempt the content they want to do because of these absurd time gates

LOL–you have no idea of what being a member of a team is do you . The team is the only thing that counts -individual wants are a distant second , if you didnt do everything in your power to help teh team ( like stepping in front of a field hockey ball and letting it hit you to save a goal , or letting a pitch hit you in baseball/softball to get to first base safely) you dont belong in one . same with a raiding team , do everything in your power to get the best possible gear to give your team teh best possible chance of progressing through teh raid . Nothing to do with draconian leaders

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Except the 10 bosses in the way. And unlike LFR, those bosses don’t just die when you sneeze on them.

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and it will be six months before my guild down heroic jailor

The block is the boss difficulty.

Because what difficulty there was in LFR bosses was eliminated when they added the Determination buff. Which is why the stretched calendar was added in the same patch as Determination.

If the encounters themselves cannot be the progression, they’ll mimic progression through the release calendar.

As has been explained multiple times, now.

When you got players like the OP dying to the first pulse of damage, and the other quarter afking, it’s a bit more difficult than normal.

So wouldn’t it make sense to also stagger the other difficulties too since they’d have to run those too? Or make secondary stats not as strong on lower ilvl gear.