It is the content that they can do, so gating it later than the “real” content is moot.
No one is going to say, “World first for these random scrubs who did an LFR!”
It is the content that they can do, so gating it later than the “real” content is moot.
No one is going to say, “World first for these random scrubs who did an LFR!”
Nothing more engaging than being forced to stop doing the content you want to do and be forced to do the ever engaging world quests and jumping puzzles lmao
You were (are?) the child who can’t understand why his/her parents won’t let them eat cake and ice cream for every meal. “It’s what I want and it doesn’t hurt you at all so JUST LET ME!!!” /tantrum
I’m sorry you can’t seem to understand that letting you clear your content on the first week of a patch meant to last months isn’t a good business model.
Blizzard isn’t my parent lmao
Didn’t use to be a problem.
Maybe they should make patches that have content that last for more than a week.
The question is not why should they be able to, why shouldn’t they? There are many casual guilds that will clear the Jailer on the first lockout he is available, so I fail to see your point.
Lol bro, bro. This makes ab …so…lutely no sense.
I was waiting for a stupid comment like this to reply to.
Does bliz roll out an arbitrary time gate for the dungeons. Are you not able to que in the lfd system to find a dungeon group the second a new expansion comes out? Or do they only release the mythic dungeon first? Do they timegate the normal and heroic dungeon so the … “mah group content” people can have it first?
They release every version of the dungeon day one. Makes no difference and no sense for them not to do the same with lfr. You can not and will not change my mind. …
“I dESErVE to be fIrST BeCAUSe BeCAUSe I SaiD SO”
That’s what you kids sound like …
You’re right, gating it doesn’t benefit them. If it were to be ungated then the hardcore players would absolutely be doing LFR for tier sets, and blizzard doesn’t want that. Normal and heroic is enough to have to raid to get ready for mythic.
This may get some attention, crossing my fingers!
The only thing I disagree about the post above is the idea about changing what gear drops in lfr bc of how mythic raiders will handle it. Those people can practice some self control, or if it’s that big of a problem then just make it against the rules to run lfr or be disqualified from Mythic world first.
I’m tired of elitists being catered to at the cost of other paying customers fun, it’s not right.
This thread is actually what reminded me to make an LFR thread. A lot of stuff slips my mind.
I only suggested the gear change (which would be temporary to not impact the race) because one of the biggest complaints raiders have with LFR is that.
Which is silly, but I’d rather offer a compromise than have them try what they did with WoD again and remove tier and such completely from LFR.
It genuinely makes me happy that there are some allies to us LFR/lower end players on the council. Thank you for that post.
One of the benefits of having lfr release in mythic week is that gives extra time to fix bugs or nerf mechanics that would be a pain point for the broader audience. LFR players wouldn’t be happy (presumably) if they couldn’t kill a boss because it was bugged. sit in que for hours only to not be able to clear it. lfr isn’t designed to be a big challenge. its designed to be completed.
What else are you gonna do with your time you LFR hero
We had 3 bosses in BFA that were bugged and borderline unkillable for the first few days.
If anything, LFR should release BEFORE mythic. Having a broad audience bug test for the world first race would be good. Even if ther’es mythic only mechanics.
All of the mechanics for a boss should exist in LFR, even if they’re extremely painless versions of what you’ll find in mythic. That way you’re experiencing the whole thing at an appropriate difficulty. It was borderline insulting back in Legion to have The Desolate Host boss in ToS not even include the Desolate Host.
As I said in my post on the CC forums, it’d be helpful if mechanics disappeared as you wiped and got determination. This way, you can advance and learn the mechanics as you go. If you end up in groups that wipe 8 times, you’ll eventually understand and get those mechanics down. Which means on future attempts, you’ll be more prepared to work on the other mechanics that had been removed by the determination.
It would literally turn LFR into a way to learn the fights, rather than just throw you into the fire and fend for yourself.
As it’s already been discussed. LFR delay isn’t going anywhere. Blizzard made that very clear.
Instead of complaining for a week go actually play the game.
They also made it clear that classic was never happening.
And yet here we are.
The difference is a lot of people wanted classic.
Not a lot of people primarily only raid LFR
The 10 years or so where people were asking for it almost daily and it never got added?
It doesn’t matter how many people primarily do LFR, time gating it is objectively wrong.
So no actual source. Check.
It’s not. It’s been explained multiple times and it’s not changing