I get what you are saying. I admit Ive not even done LFR much this expansion because it is often so chaotic and I was unwell for a lot of the time. I plan to give this patch’s LFR a bit of a try just to see what its like.
Thing is, I’m not even sure people who do LFR care about a “sense of progression”. Progression insofar as actually moving from one set of the bosses to the next sure, for whatever goodies they might have. But progressing themselves, I dont see that being of much concern. If players cared about personal progression, they’d be doing Normal and above. The idea in LFR is get in, get through the fights, get some goodies and leave, having seen the place and the fights and the generally chaotic experience that is LFR.
Without the Determination Buff its quite likely many wouldn’t even make it to the end so the whole purpose of doing LFR would be lost. Making it harder by removing it would only achieve added levels of frustration, repeated dropping of group by healers and tanks and an extra level of chaos to what already exists.
I read the answers you provided, your opinions, but they’re not justifiable in my eyes. They’re just you making excuses for gatekeeping content and driving people away from it.
It’s a bad design.
If LFR dropped a wing every week, if LFR dropped all the wings next week, it would not change your own progression in higher content.
All you’ve shared is some strange sense of elitism. That your victories must come at the expense of others experiences.
That’s not a valid explanation. That’s just you being a jerk, much like you are now with your condescension.
Also… (and separate reply since it’s a separate topic) this is why Determination was a bad idea. And, frankly, illustrates why LFR has always been a bad idea.
I’ve been saying since Cataclysm that LFR should have been a single-player experience like Wrath’s “Battle for the Undercity”. Go in with some big-name NPC’s who have dialogue, explain what’s going on, tell you what to do, and do most of the heavy lifting.
They could even have a variety of NPC’s and you recruit a team of 3 or something. Give achievements for doing it with different teams, and so on.
And best of all, as a solo player experience, people wouldn’t have to deal with toxicity or GO GO GO or afkers or anything like that.
The fact is, LFR was a slapped-on band-aid in Cata because Blizzard was experiencing their first-ever net loss in subscribers during Cataclysm and figured a “bread and circuses” approach would be the quickest solution. They never thought it through (I mean, the original LFR was just need/greed rolls on loot, so…)
I would very much recommend the Legendary Edition. The increased graphical quality is massive on 1, and you get all the DLC included (except that one where all copies of the source code got lost).
To play? … to see the fights… to get some mog.
There is no reason to keep the easiest difficulty so time locked.
The whole progression argument makes no sense and is old af… even if normal raiders could only kill bosses 1-3, it makes sense that lfr wing one could also be completed…
How do supposedly professional businesses manage things like this? There’s a fruit stand on the corner down the street that’s better managed than that.
IDK, but since the forums keep telling me that the wow story no longer makes any sense, and isn’t good, I suggested one that is very good and makes sense.