Is LFR releasing on Tuesday?

You learn that by talking to the officers.

If it’s a heroic or normal guikd they don’t have high standards.

That is what you learn by talking to them.

And it gives you contact information. Which you will use to contact the officers of said guild to ask questions to determine the other aspects of the guild.

Speaking on my experience, it’s not warped.
Maybe you don’t raid that much, which is fine. If the full raid was unlocked next week we would be seeing AOTC requirements within a few weeks in lfg. That’s how it is every tier, which is where all this pressure to keep up comes from.

People won’t need a raiding guild to clear normal.

This is incredibly out of touch lol

Trying looking for a guild as a feral druid or enh shaman or ret pally, especially as an under geared player with low experience, or as a player than can only commit one day a week

See how long you get to talk to the officers

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It’s never been about you doing LFR impacting other people.

It’s about making LFR better for the people who are doing it, by mimicking a sense of progression that vanished the moment they introduced the Determination buff.

Since the bosses are now GUARANTEED to die, the bosses are no longer the instrument of progression, therefore, the calendar must be, instead.

Blizzard told everyone this, years ago. I don’t know why you all still want to argue about it, but whatever.

It doesn’t. Normal will be fully cleared on Tuesday. Heroic will be fully cleared next week.

So what if it takes some groups more time to clear it on a harder difficulty? That’s not justification for delaying the release of a feature like this for two months. Especially when the gear rewards will be overshadowed by the world content AGAIN by the time it becomes available.

All they’re doing by staggering this is turning people away from it. We’re not being turned into raiding normal or higher. If that was our interest, we’d be doing it already. It’s just pushing us to avoid group content in this game even more.

They have some strange spite toward queue-based players, and that’s why we’re just playing WoW solo and doing group content in different games that handle it better.


It’s been about 5 minutes of searching with a limited scope, and I’ve already found a heroic guild that lists feral as a medium priority for recruitment.

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No it’s not.

The fact you even mentioned enhance shaman shows you have no idea what windfury is.

Most guilds will fight for one.

Again finding a guild at normal or heroic level is extremely easy unless you’re expecting to be flat out carried

Not by people who only do Normal.

I’ve already explained that.

And if they already have one? Too bad so sad?

What else are you supposed to do if you’re behind?

Is it easy when you’re a returning player who hasn’t played since Nathria?

Also too bad so sad?

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Undergeared destro warlock here, but a destro warlock who had the utter audacity to pick Necrolord instead of Night Fae. I’m not confident about my chances with officers either.

If a guild needs a warlock, you are a guaranteed raid invite. the 1st warlock in the raid is almost mandatory.

Okay… Then let them take time going through a more challenging difficulty if they choose. Why do we have to wait until everybody has it on farm to enjoy it?

LFR isn’t normal. Normal isn’t heroic. Heroic isn’t mythic.

Normal gear won’t be outshined by world content gear in two months. LFR will be.


What happens if you’re the second warlock?

I’ve always kind of liked that about the warlock class. But honestly what guild doesn’t have at least a couple warlocks these days? I’m nothing special.

Still pretty good. Warlock is one of those classes where you almost always have 1 spec that’s really good.

The gear from Zereth Mortis is already better than Raid Finder loot. You can get 242 and 233 gear like candy. And even a 246 weapon from the Dominance rares.

We all know Blizz only gates LFR so the casual playerbase stays subbed longer.

There really is no defense at this point other than gatekeeping the tier set bonus.


Ok and? Normal and heroic guilds dont care about meta, they just want warm bodies.

Do the catch up gear, run some keys. ZM gives full 226 gear for very cheap.

Yes if you actually put effort into it

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I’ve already explained that.

In the future, when you ask questions, you might want to consider actually reading the answers people provide.