How is that different from LFR? You still would have to rely on the random group finder giving you a group that is capable of killing a boss.
If you are both: A competent player and not a complete knob, finding a guild that raids normal/heroic to join isn’t hard.
Depends on the person. If they have a guild, join a guild sure, and have the time. But some don’t have that and have schedules that make it difficult to be there at the time others can be there. That was one of the reasons for LFR. So some could definitely do normal. And it was a hell of a lot easier to do normal than LFR because of working together. But many people’s friends have left the game and it doesn’t give the same feel to raid with randos. My guild started to fall apart in Legion and ended in BFA.
Which it’ll do eventually. I can count on LFR to let me into the raid. I can’t say the same for LFG.
Not really true either. Guild finding is tough these days if you’re not a spectacular stand out player who can show legendary logs. And even then not every guild is going to be a good fit for everyone, and there’s a lot of trial and error involved.
Agreed. Finding a heroic or normal guild is probably the easiest thing in game to do.
Ah yes…the reason 9.2 isn’t as interesting to me…the big middle finger of blizz saying all actual raiding guilds get to do the full dungeon while those of us forced to do LFR have to wait 2 weeks between wings because of a toxic group of people telling us because we don’t got what they consider right they won’t let us join their guild or raid pug… yeah no…screw that…guild wars 2 got boats…that’s where I’ll be…
This is wrong I can’t even laugh.
Guilds are always recruiting people especially at Normal and heroic levels.
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If you’re applying to top 100 guilds, or those that expect to get horde hall of fame, sure.
Not even then. Very few guilds out there seem to be recruiting those who might be struggling as players and could use a bit of support. To clarify, yes I’m talking the normal/heroic levels.
Not in my experience, and I pug. Most raiders will be clearing 1-8 normal and probably killing 1-2 heroic depending on their loot drop luck.
I agree, which is why lfr should be available Tuesday.
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What server is your main on retail on?
You have an incredibly warped perspective on how raiding works, is all I can say.
I’d understand LFR being staggered if it fell in line with the story quest chains or something. But it still doesn’t make sense to have it release as slow as it does.
A wing a week from when the raid first drops? Sure. Taking it into two months after the patch drops is just horrible. Especially when it’s only dropping 239 gear until the end of April.
If you’re a normal raiding guild you aren’t clearing normal first day.
If you’re a heroic raiding guild you’re not clearing heroic first day
If you’re a mythic guild you can probably clear normal first day and maybe heroic.
If you’re a world first guild you’re clearing both twice
scroll though to the 10/10H section and maybe a bit below. try talking to people who you can find there.
It does, as I’ve explained. Which is why they’ve done it since ToT and will continue to do so.
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And you wanna be tryhards have a warped perspective on how much having LFR released on day one will have on raiding.
I’ve had folks give me that same advice before. None of that tells me about what kind of guild they are, whether they are inclusive and welcoming, and whether they’ll accept players who might not be the best and could use some help.
All it tells you is a guild name and how far into the raid they are. I honestly don’t even recognize 90% of those names.
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Honestly, Any argument to get LFR wings out faster is also an argument to remove sets/cool trinkets/unique weapons from LFR.
I have never considered that, frankly. Surely if players get to experience the fights on the level that is best suited for their capabilities, isnt that what counts? For example, I can no longer do raiding with my guild due to physical issues involving extended playtime and physcal stress. If doing LFR lets me see the story fights in person (rather than paying to be carried by some group) surely thats better for me, and for the game?
My doing LF has zero impact on those who are able to do higher difficulty and until the day it does I really cant see the problem.