The only thing I’ve ever seen about any official justification for the staggering is because “real” raiders were feeling compelled to do LFR to pre-gear for their raiding and so everyone else had to wait, so that they didn’t have to spend time doing it.
If the “pretend you have to do progression” thing was the primary factor, though, why is it set back a week from Normal and Heroic? A delay from even starting doesn’t mirror a delay between forward progression. And why have the remaining wings staggered by two weeks instead of one week? Why have it drawn out longer and longer? Definitely not to draw out subs an extra month, I’m sure.
I’ve said this forever. A new player going into LFR to see what end game raiding is about is going to experience joining a preformed group that doesn’t communicate, is mostly AFK and has mechanics so trivialized you don’t have to move out of anything.
I get people who are ultra casual like it because it allows them to experience the content, but it’s just such a bad experience.
How are you asking for the figure “less than half”? You spelled it out right here. 24% is less than a quarter, as he said. 13% is heroic, so that leaves 11% maximum LFR only players. 11% is less than half of 24%.
The actual number is likely substantially lower because that 11% includes anyone who raids only normal or only mythic (though this one is probably an inconsequentially low number).
He speculated that half of that 11% might be normal raiders, leaving a paltry 5.5% for LFR only.
You spelled it all out yourself, so I’m not sure where you got lost.
It includes anyone who does only Normal, but the Mythic raiders are in the 2% subtracted from the initial 24% of players who completed the last raid at any difficulty.
What ultimately confused me was “less than half of 24%” of players raiding only in LFR being presented as a neglibile tiny fraction of all people who do raids in the game, because it disingenuously makes it appear that the other 76%+ of the characters in the game raid Normal or above.
24% is the total characters that completed the last raid at any difficulty. 76% of the game never finished any difficulty of the raid at all, and it seems silly to hold back the some-nebulous-percent-less-than-9% (not 11, because I can’t math) on behalf of the 15% of players who complete the content at other difficulties. It’s a much smaller gap than comparing 12% or below to 76%, but people keep going on about how the LFR-only raiders are a tiny fraction of people finishing raids to completion, instead of being more like 35% of the people doing it.
You might disagree with the reason, but the statement is true. Raids are intended to be seen as the whole instance, without all the arbitrary teleports/walls that only having access to a fraction of the instance will require.
Any time where you have a choice of what boss to go to next has to have something stopping you from going there in LFR, if that boss isn’t in the same wing. In sanctum, this isn’t really a concern because of how linear the instance is. In the shriek/sludge/slg wing of castle nathria, the doors on both sides of the room stay closed after shriekwing. In Anoturs wing 1, it forces you to go to dogs after garothi, but once dogs are dead it forces you to take a warframe skip instead of running back to go the normal way (since the normal way is blocked).
LFR (by it’s nature of only giving you part of the raid), has to take a whole product and chop it into smaller pieces, which is often different from the intended presentation of the raid.
I understand the intent, but it doesn’t make sense how they have it set up. As is, lfr players progress way slower than the other difficulties. There’s going to be a lot of people clearing normal 1-8 bosses day 1, lfr players should be able to do the same.
If they wanted to force players to “progress” it makes more sense to require lfr completion to unlock normal etc.
You have to rely on the good graces of other people to do that, and not everyone is lucky in that regard.
If an invite was guaranteed no matter who I was (class, spec, covenant, gear), and if a raid I joined could be reliably counted upon to finish the instance (and not fall apart or kick people) then you might be correct.
There are people that don’t want to do the harder difficulties for different reasons, and they shouldn’t have to…to see the bosses and story. That’s the point of lfr in the first place.
Asking for lfr to be released at the same pace as normal is not a big ask.
The only people clearing the first 8 Normal bosses day 1 will be people whose primary difficulty isn’t Normal.
Yes, Cutting Edge Mythic raiding guilds will clear Normal the first week, perhaps the first day.
But they will NOT be clearing their intended difficulty the first week. In fact, 99% of Cutting Edge mythic guilds won’t be clearing Mythic the first month.
It takes most people whose primary difficulty is Mythic months to clear the raid.
It takes most people whose primary difficulty is Heroic months to clear the raid.
It takes most people whose primary difficult is Normal months to clear the raid.
So should it be with people whose primary difficulty is LFR.