Is LFR releasing on Tuesday?

To be honest it is fine that LfR is released a week behind Normal and heroic and the first wing releases with mythic. The only change I would make is open a new wing every week instead of 2 weeks .

By the time the final wing opens Normal and Heroic will have probably cleard and all of the cinematics would already be out for the raid.

It’s literally a case of sensitive, easily butthurt raiders who imagine themselves on the same level as those in the race to world first wanting their achievements to have earlier dates on them. Because that matters.

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Your math gives you 9% have full clear that was only LFR or normal. 11.75% have Mythic Tarragrue achievement

Even for people who have posted numbers, mythic has fewer than heroic. And normal is not known. No numbers for sure are known because we have to rely on outside sites and look at achieves for everything. And those could be inaccurate based on a number of factors.

But it doesn’t really matter. WoW is so content starved that the focus shouldn’t be on how few participate in something for it to matter. It should be why. And what can be done to improve certain things.

I’m not of the belief that because the player base is fractioned into smaller amounts for certain content that it should have to take a back seat or worse be deleted. Because it’s like difficulty settings in any other game. And most games now have anywhere from easy to nightmare modes. So all of those should stay.

It’s also an aside to the thread itself because it’s primarily about LFR starting after Normals. Which doesn’t make much sense because as I said earlier in the thread:

So none of the numbers should really matter, at least to us. Now for funding of the game, whatever. But I still say as long as there are so few raids and dungeons to begin with, that shouldn’t even be a problem. The game makes record profits almost every quarter so funding shouldn’t be an issue anyway.

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Okay. So, 9% of players in LFR and Normal completed the last raid fully (there’s no way to tell how many went for just part of it) and 11.75% did the first boss in Mythic.

That’s still a very different argument than “less than a half of a quarter of the characters in the game do LFR only so it’s fine to delay the release of LFR so that all the other players get the chance to finish the content first” if the “all the other” players is also a fairly small percentage of the population of the game.

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I didn’t do any of the last raid. Not on LFR or anything because the Sylvanas fight looked like a vertigo inducing nightmare.

It’s the price of playing story mode. You have to wait.

Don’t like it? Normal is there for you.

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Delaying LFR doesn’t affect anyone but wannabe tryhards who think the miniscule gear upgrades from LFR will be the difference for a boss they’ve been stuck on for months.

If you think it’s necessary to turbo farm LFR to get a slight edge, you can deal with having to raid an extra 15 minutes a week


This doesn’t compute.

Raid releases week 2 of patch
LFR releases week 3 of patch.
At most they would be stuck a week.


It’s not an extra 15 minutes a week. Also 2 pc and 4 pc bonuses aren’t “slight” advantages. Keep proving you really have no idea what you’re talking about. While you probably live in your moms basement not everyone does.

If a team of mythic raiders can’t clear LFR I’m 15 minutes, they have no business being mythic raiders.

If you didn’t catch it, it was a dig at you. Must be nice being hard stuck at a boss for practically a year straight

Having tier gear totally would have made the difference

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Sad that there’s been over 200 posts and nobody’s mentioned the actual (and Blizzard-confirmed) reasons why LFR release is staggered.

And nobody’s mentioned determination, which is shocking. Stretching out the LFR release started with Throne of Thunder, at the same time determination was added. The two are inextricably linked.

Stretching out LFR wings has nothing to do with “so raiders don’t have to do it” but you all are wasting bandwidth on a non-reason. Good grief.

Neat, so now let’s say determination is out, do you support it?

The entire point of stretching out the releases is to mimic a sense of progression.

If determination is removed and the bosses were actually challenging, sure, have at it. But might as well just remove Normal at that point.

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I agree with this as well as merging the normal/LFR difficulties. Basically LFR just queued normal. At the same time, I think Normal/LFR gear drops should be more frequent than other difficulties. The gear is what you’ll get for failing a 2 on an alt every week, no reason it needs to be as rare as mythic.

No. Hell no.

Yes. Hell yes. :star_struck:

You mythic crazies can do it 30 times and get the best loot, all good! The regulars who will do the raid maybe 3x will also get their bis :+1: fun for everyone gg!

You want the normal and LFR gear to be trash? Granted but it rains from the sky


rofl locking it.
hey between the locks can we not PAY to play 
 theres an idea.
paying to play a locked game, nice way to steal peoples money 
 laughable company.

The better way to mimic a sense of progression is to let players progress at their own pace instead of literally hard locking their progression with arbitrary time gates


It’s players like this guy that are community gate keepers that run people away from the game.

They feel like their way is the only way to play and everybody else are wrong.

They consume themselves with what other people do, and how other people play, and if they don’t engage the content in ways he feels is appropriate they should play something else.

They go on ego trips because they are afraid of the reality that they are just mediocre like most players are. They think that if they engage in certain kinds of content they are elite raiders like the world first bunch are, and how dare anybody be elite like them because their gear is purple too or has a similar item level.

So they gate keep other peoples fun because they are afraid of seeing themselves outside of what their ego has projected. You don’t achieve anything special playing a game, but yet people like this project their ego onto it like they just designed the Eiffel tower or finished seal boot camp.

Its really pretty sad from a psychological standpoint.


Be alright if you didn’t have to dedicate a certain time to a guild to raid and/or depend on PUG which usually require you to have allready completed the raid or grossly overgear said raid. Also they usually force you to have certain add-ons, discord, etc.

No reason they can’t put out LFR at the same time as normal/heroic.