Is LFR releasing on Tuesday?

We have already established you don’t know anything.

I’d rather not have to run all three wings every week on top of everything else I need to do.

It’s how you get burned out.

I know you just want the free carry though.

LOL that is one way to put it clearly!


LFR only (based on current numbers), is less than half of less than 1 quarter of the playerbase. Could very well be half of the max I gave, which puts it at less than 1/16th of the players (~6%).

If we convert to the people who used trade chat and saw boosting spam, that number is closer to 80% of the players.

I’ve also got a feeling that they sometimes regret adding LFR/LFD to begin with.

You are aware that there are still dozens or or hundreds of private servers still, right?

So find a guild that won’t bench if you don’t do that. If you don’t to do that, then what your guild makes you do is between you and them

I’d love to know where you’re pulling these numbers out of


you saw where I got the less than 1 half of 1 quarter. The final half of that is pure estimation. That doesn’t change that 12 is less than 80.

We have no really concrete numbers on it but it doesn’t matter. They still do stuff for Mythic which is said to have very few participate too. I don’t think they abandon things based on that solely. If anything, IF numbers are so low, then they’d need to look at why and maybe ask some LFR participants what they’d want to see changed.

Again if I want to get CE I have to do these things.

Why should I penalize my goals because you want to see a dead part of the game a week early?

This has been disproven multiple times.

Even then the mythic player base alone is higher than the LFR player base.

If you don’t want to do LFR then don’t do it.
But Dragging out the content drought for people who only do LFR is stupid.


Wanna bet . They do it to complete tier sets for bonuses while they wait for the higher raid level piece to drop . They do it for legendaries or legendary memories .

A lot of your first day lfr tanks are people that do it on normal or higher .

How do you figure “less than half”? I’m curious where the data you see is coming from.

From DataforAzeroth, 24% of characters completed Sanctum of Domination on any difficulty according to their achievements (it only completes when you defeat all bosses, so a Sylvanas-only-carry for AOTC wouldn’t count). There is no achievement for Normal or for LFR specifically, and then 13% of characters completed Heroic, and 2% completed Mythic. But the 13% and the 2% is a subset of “on any difficulty”.

Generally, I’d say that looking at that, it would be a big swing to assume that of that non-overlapping 11% that less than half of it was people who’d finished Normal, unless you’ve got data from somewhere that shows otherwise. Which is possible, certainly, I just haven’t seen it although I’ve seen people talking about LFR numbers like it was a fact.

It’s also notable that the way that you phrased that LFR only is less than half of less than a quarter…yes, that’s because seventy five percent of characters who play the game don’t raid at all, on any difficulty, at least not to completion.

There is also an achievement for being 10/10H sanctum, which shows as being about 13%

And that 13 is more than half of 24, we can assume that more than half of all radiers who full clear, accomplish it on heroic.

Honestly it isn’t and I do this last patch I’ve done LfR- Heroic .

Anyone that says LfR is toxic really hasn’t done it and uses the term Toxic just to disparage those that do LfR.


What you’re not factoring in is the abundance of people that raid mythic but don’t get CE.

Yes 2 percent may only get CE. But that doesn’t represent the entire mythic raid player base. It’s much much higher than that.


24% with the “any difficulty” achievement - 13% Heroic -2% Mythic = 9% of players who completed in LFR or Normal which don’t have its own achievement (not 11, I can’t math)

But there’s no way to tell how many in that 9% were LFR-only and how many did Normal

It’s also not factoring in how many people just hit up the last boss in LFR.

That’s why I compared the reckoning to curve in my 1st post. It still comes out just under half of the people who have the reckoning have aotc

The amount of people who raid mythic and don’t get ce is way higher than people that only do LFR last boss.

Even then you have to factor that some percentage of those killing the last boss in LFR are raiders as well.

And you know that…how?

Tarragrue M is about 12, so yeah.