Like I know you really have a hard time reading but I’m going point out this one little two letter
Key word there is IF.
The sooner you realize that the numbers of people that do LFR and only LFR is an extreme minority the better.
Like I know you really have a hard time reading but I’m going point out this one little two letter
Key word there is IF.
The sooner you realize that the numbers of people that do LFR and only LFR is an extreme minority the better.
Here’s the tradeoff that would make both sides happy:
All 4 wings of LFR release the same week as mythic, but LFR no longer drops gear.
They also had nine months to do so.
The casual playerbase vastly outnumber people who can’t get past half way through the mythic raid in 9 months
What you’re failing to realize is that even the casual base doesn’t only do LFR. If casuals are raiding it’s in normal and heroic.
Solo players are the majority that make up the LFR player base.
Agreed, but I’d say that there are more people who have killed Sylvanas on normal or higher than LFR only. And to back this up: about half the people who have the achievement: The Reckoning also have Ahead of the Curve.
You have absolutely no data to back that up, and the definition of casual is extremely broad.
You also have no way to quantify how many “solo” players there are or what content they’re partaking in
Here, I’ll give you some data:
The Reckoning (kill sylvanas on any difficulty): 28.5% of players
Ahead of the Curve (Kill sylvanas on heroic or mythic): 14.8% of players
More than half of the players who have a Sylvanas kill have done so on heroic.
It is, but you happen to be using the term casual to talk about a very specific part of the casual player base, that being the does LFR, but also only does LFR portion. The casual player base is the huge backbone the game is built on. They do a lot of different things. The question is not casual player base size vs mythic raider but not CE player base. LFR being late only really affects you at all if you only do LFR. We don’t have any data on the number of players who do LFR but only LFR but personally I imagine it is relatively small, perhaps even smaller than the number of raiders who get CE and changing LFR the way you want would have a far larger negative impact on CE people than it has positive impact on LFR only people.
And that is without even including normal mode Sylvanas kills.
And do you think that all of those players were grinding LFR every single as well as normal and heroic and maybe even mythic for domination shards? Of course they weren’t. Because the effort is not worth the reward
People or Character? It’s still a really small amount considering the amount of players out there.
No one is forcing you to do anything, just like you’re trying to force us to “get gud” and raid higher difficulty, we don’t care.
Damn these elitist and their fragile self-control love to succumb to peer pressure from their elitist friends.
It’s pathetic, and 90% of the player base is having to wait 2 months to see the raid. Or they watch streams/youtube ahead of time.
That is 6 weeks of Vault that many players will be getting the highest loot possible.
That is 6 weeks of Full Normal/Heroic/Mythic raiding
Meaning that by the full release of LFR, the majority of these players will be about 40-50ilvl below everyone else.
The inflated ilvl requirements to join Normal/Heroic raid will have increased already and requiring most likely AOTC for a lot of pugs.
Their alternative are to jump into PVP season or M+ to get higher Ilvl gear.
It just makes no sense to limit LFR raiders from doing LFR raids. No matter how you try to spin it.
If something is applicable to Normal/Heroic/Mythic then it is also applicable to LFR. If you have a reason that is valid for any of the above difficulty then it is also valid for LFR.
If we expand it to full clears, you’re more likely to have your full clear in heroic than not (13.1 vs 24.6)
I got that number by taking the number of CE guilds and multiplying by the estimated average roster of a CE guild.
No it shouldn’t. It doesn’t emulate real progression. Not a single casual raid guild will defeat the jailer day one. Why should the solo queuer afker be able to?
Again, casual is subjective and very broad. There are plenty of casual guilds who clear normal or even heroic end bosses day or or week one.
Allright… not a single entry level normal raid guild would. You know I meant that. Hell, my guild gets aotc every tier yet we won’t defeat normal in first week.
I wonder how many of those got boosted.
LFR opens in wings. Even if LFR were to open on Tuesday, no one in LFR would beat the Jailer. They wouldn’t anyway because it still takes LFR sometime to do stuff as well. It’s sometimes more difficult because of how unorganized everyone is.
Hey it’s almost as if you failed to understand the point of the thread!
They could if LFR was open to them.
All they have to do is make LFR wings unlock only if you completed the previous wings.