Is LFR releasing on Tuesday?

Hard to say, as there is no way to check that data. If we go with the theory that most of those who purchased an AOTC kill did not get a full raid, than it’s pretty small. It can be larger if we consider that guilds sometimes have their players that they like having around, but are terrible raiders, then it might be slightly more.

The thread just asked when it was opening or if it was getting pushed back for no reason. It’s not getting pushed back. It always released later. But there is really no logical reason for that.

Because the reason LFR was created anyway was because a lot of people wanted to see the story. Then raiders were saying, well the game isn’t story focused so who cares? Now it’s, we don’t want you to spoil our story for us. When a. the story gets spoiled anyway and usually once normal raiders beat things, not LFR. and b. they never cared anyway so why do they now?

The other reason being stated is so that LFR isn’t beating the Jailer first. Which cannot happen because that wing would not be open. Even if they started LFR at the same time as regular raid. Because it’s a wing each week.

It’s really not though. You’re confusing “playing casually” versus a casual player.

Well considering they are solo players they don’t partake in any group content.

Sounds like semantics to me.

I suppose you got me there, but the claim that the majority of players in LFR are solo players is unable to be proven and I’d utterly ridiculous in the first place.

When I post data that shows LFR only is a minority of raiders, he ignores it.

A minority of barely 1%

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

It’s a minority compared to heroic/mythic. There is also normal mode, which is hard to track because normal and LFR give the same achievements (it’s dumb).

LOL I can’t take anything you say seriously.

The majority of the population that actually raids will see it on release and progress through it.

Again. A minority by less than a single percent.

They really should put in a normal achievement called something in the vein of “decidedly ok” so we can track normal mode players. They exist, I just have no idea how many there are.

It’s not though.

As playing a game casually is a metric of time.

Being a casual player means you do all sorts of content.

The people complaining about ilvl from Korthia/ZM are solo players pretending to be casuals.

Because there are currently zero reason for people that actually raid to go into LFR outside of needing a dom shard or farming dom/tier pieces.

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It’s higher than a percent.

If 14% only get CE that’s not factoring in the multiples of people that raid and don’t clear a full tier.

Agreed. In my estimation, the portion of the raiders who full clear with x as the highest difficulty is something like LFR: 15, Normal 35, Heroic: 42, mythic 8.

So what happens if you do all sorts of content but only do it for a little bit of time?

Where does that put you?

We don’t have data for that. Also we need to factor in people that didnt full clear heroic or even normal.

With the data we do have, it’s less than a percent.

Lfr players should be able to experience the story at the same pace as normal… seeing as how that’s pretty much the reason to do lfr in the first place.

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LFR is so much easier than normal that it would actually not be the same rate. At all.

Everyone knows the best way to experience a story is read four chapters then wait two weeks to read the next four, and so on and so forth


If we convert it into a percentage of raiders, it’s closer to a 4% minority (52-48)

LFR takes more time to kill things than normal. I’ve been through normal, heroic and LFR and LFR is far less organized and takes more time to down things.


Even with that being the case, that is not a significant margin