Is LFR heading for the chopping block?

Part of why I liked it. I enjoy playing the game as if I’m just someone taking on the role of an adventure already in the world. Their lore is already set and I’m just sort of experiencing what that person did. It’s why I play themeparks instead of sandbox games. I feel a lot of people are wanting WoW to be a sandbox.

Well ignoring the fact you’re the chosen one in Legion, it really screwed with race/class combos like Draenei Priest/Paladin. They for some reason just follow human Priest/Paladin lore.

Because you wasn’t actually a Draenie, that was just gameplay. But you was taking on the role of the adventure of the human priest/paladin. I’m not sure if I’m explaining this right. But it’s how I enjoy the story, and it seems its how they do things. It’s really the only way these borrowed power systems make sense, and how the artifact thing, or heart of azeroth makes sense.

You watch quantum leap? It’s like that. You are placed into another persons body and experiencing things from their story. Although with more restrictions because you are not allowed to change the story. Am I making sense?

Uh… so you enjoyed a very narrow story line that didn’t take into account player choices? That seems rather odd, but okay.

I like a story on rails, a themepark in the truest sense of the word. Sandbox games to me take away the ability to really tell the story. and build a functional lore.

They low-key tried it and WOD it didn’t work very well.

Not for all of us. As I said before on the “why do you run LFR” thread, my disabilities make it too physically painful to try to commit to a Normal raid schedule or PUGging. LFR is where I go when I want to raid in some fashion, but can only sit for about the length of one wing. If LFR goes away, then I wouldn’t be able to raid at all. It’d be a shame to have to walk away from 15+ years of game progress, but there you have it.

Like I said, I don’t really know the answer. I guess it was more, or less a idea of what they might consider. Wouldn’t bother me in the least tbh. Would much rather them do more things to make open world more interesting. Esimpure probably onto something with the solo version type of lfr. Could see them doing something like that also. Edit. Maybe adding some kind of unique transmog type of stuff to LFR might up the participation? Just winging at this point. To tired lol.

its funny people that are super pro LFR can also be super pro “grind out your covenants and work for it if you wanna swap” without seeing the irony in not having to “work” to do the raid with lfr hehe

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You talking about me? I’m pro LFR but somewhere in this thread I mentioned I wish LFR operated more like normal in difficulty. I don’t mind doing hard content, I just don’t like having a dictator in charge of the group.

…you mean someone to organize the strategy?

not wanting that is why lfr nzoth is almost impossible


i dont know if ion would be that stupid or not.
i mean, he was stupid enough to actually think that saying flight was being removed was a good idea.
so i guess yeah…he probably is

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Imagine calling a guy you’re friends with a dictator because he’s leading the thing.

Evidently he never raid leaded. I have before, and I want none of that headache. Happy to be subject to a, “dictator” so I can be lazy.

last straw for certain.


And they tried toning it down in WoD to be pretty much just junk, and it backfired hard on them, along with no flying, etc. They’re not going to remove LFR.


There was more where it related to that particular case, but you are correct mostly.

Not something I would do honestly, but if people want it /shrug.

I play for the purps though.

WoD’s LFR is exactly what LFR detractors seem to want. Zero mechanics, tank and spank, no one dies, and if you did get gear there were zero weapons and the rest had little to no stats, ie worthless as a WQ blue azerite with only 2 traits.

As a result we pugged normals a lot more, but it was hel, wait an hour for the group to fill, and because I only had a heroic 5 man weapon my DPS would suck, and I’d get kicked after boss 1 even if I lived. Weapons dropped off the last bosses, I think I ended up unsubbing for awhile until Legion honestly.

Queues are the glue that hold this game together. Get rid of them and we’re back in the stone age.

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Except it’s quantifiably easier. Drop a LFR group into the heroic or normal version and it’d be even worse.

That guy was saying it was harder though…

Which is it, harder or easier QQ I’m so confused.