Is it wrong to Need roll on Frozen Orbs as the Tank?

Not really. The difference is that players are acting entitled to things based on their role, like tank or healer. These roles already have incentives to do the content, but they as a whole don’t want to do it as we progress farther into the game. Say phase 2, tanks and healers will not want to do heroics unless they are entitled to the orb, or get any BoE blues to AH, or DE green and up gear.

If a group offers me a Frozen Orb to come in and tank for them since I have no need to go into heroics, that’s incentive.

If I EXPECT the Frozen Orb at the end of the run because I’m the tank, and I deserve it, that’s entitlement.

Anyone that has out-geared heroics in Phase 2 won’t be going back to them at all, since Heroic+ will likely be releasing along Phase 2.

which goes back to entitlement.

If I base my expectation to receive an item on what role I’m playing, then yes, that IS entitlement.

However, if I am OFFERED an item in exchange for running content that I no longer need, that’s not entitlement, that’s incentive. Hence, the little boxes that tanks and healers get after dungeons/heroics - we’re not entitled, Blizzard is providing incentives so that more tanks and healers queue up.

I think it might come off a bit unsavory for you to reserve the orbs, since, as I understand it, tanks get bonus incentives for their role. At the end of the day, I personally wouldn’t run with you if you hard rezzed mats like that, as is my prerogative. You do you. If they find something disagreeable, provided you’re letting them know up front, they can find another group. That said, rolling need on orbs is never an issue in my book.

Reported you? That’s ridiculous.

If you form a group and tell people orbs are reserved then that’s on them if they join.

Personally I don’t think you’re entitled to them. But as I don’t really care if I get them or not I’d still join your group.

I usually wait to see what others do before I roll on them (same back in OG WotLK). This time around I’ve not seen a single Need on them. So far.

RDF is life

Every Heroic ive done, the orb has been need rolled every time. I wouldnt worry about it.

oh youre rolling on things you dont need…according to your other thread that makes you a NINJA…whats your raid gear tank name because i want to make sure i block your account and not ever play with you.


U. G. L. Y. you aint got no ALIBI you ugly

The way I see it, you’re making the group so you make the rules. If you’re upfront about it, great.

The only problems I could see if you were to join a preformed group and demand it, or were not upfront about it while recruiting.

Would I join your group? No. Will your group fill? Undoubtedly

Nobodies actually need Frozen Orbs so people roll Greed. If you actually need a Frozen Orb, avoid frictions and buy one at the AH.

Allowed, yes. However, most groups everyone needs so personally if I saw someone reserving I just wouldn’t join your group. As I also like the 50g.

i need roll on every frozen orb, every time.

Apparently people think this is in poor taste.

There is nothing wrong reserving dungeon loot. Keep in mind that less people would be likely to join your party. More fresh toons will prob join, and therefore your runs will take much longer time.

If you do it just to earn some gold, I would rather do something else.

You can easily earn 700-1000g per hour as any class these days

Your group your rules. That being said, just one more reason RDF is needed…lol

how does frozen orb rolls relate to rdf?

If you intend to roll need on the orb, don’t be surprised if everyone rolls need on it.

Also don’t roll need on it after everyones rolled greed without telling people.

Everyone can use these items through things like leg armor kits.

Just don’t be a complete tool and you shouldn’t run into any issues.

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Did you play original? Think about it…lol

Original post post talk about reserve orbs.

I’m not asking you to repose a question to me.

^ can you answer this? Are you able to actually put it into words?