Is it weird to play Female Tauren as a guy?

Female models imo have better animations depending on the race.

Female Forsaken/Tauren/Trolls/Humans/Draenei

For me those races casting animations (not the newer ones, older versions on some spells) look a lot better.

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Yeah I’ve had no trouble with the blood elf, human, orc or night elf females but when I mention Tauren females some people get weird about it and can be against it.

Cus the thought of female tauren triggers their inner furry and they cant handle it.

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yes it is, very weird

I feel like every day on the forums there’s a topic like this.

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Might just be me, but I don’t make myself in MMO’s and RPG’s, I only create a character.

This way the character can be anyone, anything or any gender and it doesn’t bother me. But maybe its just because I’m writer and I love character development.

Play whatever you want to play.

Is it weird that it is a female Tauren, or that it is female?

I don’t understand some of your posts, so I just need a bit more info…

I don’t find it weird when I play a male Worgen.

I do find a bit weird that people play Female Tauren, but that’s regardless of your own gender… I just don’t get how the fantasy of being a Cow can be appealing.

In all honesty though, who cares?, just play what you want…

I don’t know why but I prefer playing female tauren over the male.

Why would it be weird? Play whatever you want.

If I did, I’d emote that some of my spells were taking care of pasteurization.

Jesus Christ…



[edit] really, blizz… fix your italics coding pls…

I like your look :smiley:

I like your necro.


Playing Tauren female in general is weird.
But you do you, its not like anyone cares or will judge.

Tauren priest is beautiful.

And female tauren are mommies :heart:

I personally don’t think the model is all that good.

But I don’t think it’s any different then a woman playing a male model.

There are some women who play as male Tauren Warriors, I find nothing strange about it.