Is it weird for MALES (irl) to play FEMALE characters ingame?

It’s weird to think it’s weird op.

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Yes and you’re the only one that does it.

Let me guess: somebody went into Goldshire.
Flips hair

No it’s not weird, it’s smart. You get runs, armor, weapons, gold, WoW time, etc. Your friend is probably mad you are going to get all those perks and they are not.

They’re not real females. You get that right? They’re just toons. Playing a “male” or “female” toon is just whatever. Chill.

Who cares. Play what you like. I think female characters look cool and I play far more female than male toons in all the games that I have played.

FYI, it has done nothing to “hurt” my masculinity. I am married to an amazing wife and I am a father of 3 three awesome little girls.

Anyone that has issues with someone playing a character of the opposite gender has unresolved issues and is more than likely hiding something in their closet.

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It is okay for a male to play AS a female character. It is 100% okay for a male to play WITH (using) a female character.

I never pretend I am the character. To me, these are like chess pieces. I control them, but I am not them.

Life must suck with friends like that. I feel sorry for you.

Sure thing bud :wink:

Your friends are neanderthals. Play what ya like.

I think female characters look better in armor and have better animations a lot of the time. female undead warriors do flips, it’s so awesome.

I think what’s weird is these threads keep getting posted and bumped.

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Weird? A little bit. I’m not going to give anyone a hard time for it because it’s their character but I find it weird as a girl.

Almost all of the males I know in this game play female characters. I don’t think it’s weird (female opinion if that matters at all, I also play male toons). (What a necro.)

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What I miss is back in the day when most guys played males and girls played females, it was fun to flirt with each other in dungeons and raids. Now a days you dont really see that cuz you dont know what sex is behind the mask. Only time you can tell now is if you are in Discord. I do miss the old ways :grinning:

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You can do anything you want, when you’re …sexy.
Thus female void elf is ok.

I mean, you never did. Unless you know for a fact who they are in real life, then nothing’s really changed lol. Keep flirting with rando’s if you want.

Your friend is a little weird to obsess over the character you play in an RPG. Half the point of playing whatever character you play is liking what the character looks like.

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G: Guy
I: In
R: Real
L: Life

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Nah. That being said, as a girl I could never play males. It just feels weird.

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