Is it weird for MALES (irl) to play FEMALE characters ingame?

We’re all a bunch of weird nerds… play what you like.

Yeah it’s kinda weird.

But ‘kinda weird’ is the end of it. There are much worse things you can do, and so long as you aren’t actively trying to mislead people into believing you’re actually female IRL, it’s not really worth mentioning.

(I’ve only played female characters in MMOs since I was like 10 or 11, I only use this male toon for forum posting)

In over 40 years of GMing tabletop RPGs, I’ve always found it head-scratching to run across two types of people:

  1. The ones who expect me to portray female NPCs as a matter of course, but cringe at any suggestion that they might consider trying to play a character of a differing gender themselves.

  2. The ones who expect me to essentially pretend that roughly half of my world’s population either doesn’t exist or is irrelevant to adventures, because seeing a guy portray a woman just squicks them the hell out.

When I’m here, I play what the hell I want, which includes some fairly interesting female characters, because I’m just too old to have time to waste worrying about the narrow-minded. I suggest anyone else reading this consider the merits of doing the same…you might just learn something about yourself as a human being in the process.


I’m female and only play male characters. I feel like I’m in a minority. It’s a shame that males characters look worse in mogs most of the time.

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Nope. I’m female and I’d usually rather look at my guys when I play than at a female model.

I do love the orc females tho!

Better question is why do your friends even care?


its mental warfare. most men run on ego and if they think they are getting beat by a female its more likely for them to make mistakes.

plus its fun catfishing incel trash after u beat them in pvp.

Nope, most people never knew. I remember in BC we had guys in our guild who played fem Blood elves and got carried, gold, and leveled by guys that they pretended to be ‘girlfriends’ to.

All items are designed to the male human model so this has always been patently untrue. Male human is the only model that has considerations for stretching, clipping, or even bad texture maps. Goblin update still has a bugged U/V map for one of the three default glove models and I’m not expecting a fix, ever.

If there’s anything at play here it’s an aversion to male fashion and not caused by WoW itself.

Gender identity exists on a spectrum. What does you character identify as?

Okay. I still think females look better in most cases. It has nothing to do with me having an “aversion to male fashion”.

Ya I find it pretty funny to get a belt drop on my female Belf only to have it be HUGE on her. Some start at her chin and go to her hooohooo. She looks like a professional rodeo rider. Thank got for transmog. But really I don’t understand how pieces of gear just doesn’t fit all races. :confused:

is it weird humans (irl) do not play humans ingame? your question is stupid the answer is no for both your thread name and my question. if you think its weird your the one whos weird.

Why has nobody pointed out that this is a two year old thread.

Why have you done this


How is November 2, 2020 “two years later” from April 18, 2019?

Oh, and in response to the OP: it is SO weird that all gender-switchers should be banned from the whole internet until “two years later.”

I think this is a greatly person question. And I think it comes down to an avatar vs. character concept. The idea is that avatar is a reflection or even a stand in for you, and character is more akin to a fictional character from a novel. So, in my idea, the more you see your toon as an Avatar the more likely it is to be similar to yourself or how you see yourself. The more you identify a toon as a character the more divergent from an image of you they might be. The toon I most identify with as an avatar (I am posting from him) is a Male Dwarf Paladin. I am male, I am pretty stocky/broad, I love to me surrounded by foothill mountains and large stones, and I am a pretty much you should always do the right thing because it is the right thing to do kind of guy. So ya, Male Dwarf Paladin here… When I role Hoard I usually role my Tauren Paladin.

Just last night my wife told me I have a lot of chicks. I think that maybe I have 7 female characters out of 50. My wife very strongly avatars with her toons, and has said she could never play a dude. Most of my female characters I really just see interesting characters in a story, as opposed to any deeper connection. Though for a brief time at the end of legion I was maining my Female Troll Hunter.

I grew up playing a lot of tabletop role playing games, and spending much of that time as a dungeon master. Which meant that I had to portray any female NPC that the party encountered.

All that being said. This is a computer fantasy game. Play what you want. Do what you want. Its not weird. Have fun.

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No it’s not wrong to play whatever sex you wish in game, it becomes wrong and weird when you are playing said female character and someone assumes you are female irl and you go with it. Along this same route tho, really weird when you see guys with female human toons named stuff like “Ashleighh”

Well put. By that definition, Ash here would be my avatar, while the rest are characters. Handy way to categorize it.

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They do it in real life too. My mains are always reflective in some way of me so they are male, but my alts that I don’t care for are female.

I think most of my toons are female…casting animations are better imo

Why wouldn’t I play female character when they are so gorgeous?