Is it weird for MALES (irl) to play FEMALE characters ingame?

Oh I already have regrets you know having pushed people away that maybe I shouldn’t have etc…

But you’re still alive so you have a chance to be gret again.

Is it hate or just friendly ribbing?

Think people should just play what they like and not care what other people think.

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whats weird about enjoying the way females look more than males?

How do you define great? How do you define success in life?

For some, it’s money, for others its happy marriage…yet still for others its being happy in the moment.

That’s up to you player.

To me success is whatever doesn’t involve ending up in Hell

You know what’s really weird?
The people who have a problem and judge you because you’re a male irl and play a female character in game.
Those people are truly oddballs.

Others might just call it Valhalla

and not making it there would be considered hell

Yeah, what this person wrote. The ones judging you are the oddballs, not you for wanting to have fun in a game.

I play female characters, and I take time (sometimes more than my wife) to sit and create the character just how I want her to look. There is nothing wrong with a guy playing a female character.

I say no. The male nightelf and male pandaren are fairly ugly and hey you’re the one that has to play the dang character. You might as well enjoy what you’re looking at.

Look we all know the people that get frustrated with it are the ones looking for a date on wow, if I find love on wow one day great, but my heart is too broken to worry too much about it at the moment, if I find someone I click with and fall in love with awesome, but because I’m so broken I know that as much as I want love in my life, I’m not going to sacrifice the independence I have now for it…don’t get yourself into a vulnerable position in the name of love if you can avoid it.

Over 50% of the female characters made aren’t actually played by real life females.


I play female Alliance characters and Horde male characters. I have no real motivation for settling on this pattern but there it is.

That is where I found my wife of five years now. Right here in ole wow land. She was the guild leader and we started talking over video chat and before I knew it 2 years later we got married.

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What sort of person with two eyes plays a character with an eyepatch?

Only we chosen ones.

I met this female Pandaren on WrA, we hung out a bit and it turned out, shock of all shocks, she was played by a guy!

We have been dating for 2 years and it will be 3 soon.

I personally don’t care what you play. I’m male and play male character’s. As long as your having fun I can give too hoot’s.

Can I have hoot if you’re just giving them away