Is it weird for MALES (irl) to play FEMALE characters ingame?

What if this is all a dream and when you wake up you’re the opposite gender?

Like Tom Hanks in Big but if he was a woman.

HINT: Trinity IS Neo.

Not weird at all OP.

I like my female toons often better than the males. I am not my toon. I play my toon. It is so weird to me folks that think they are their toon.

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I’d never do it if given the choice (can’t choose gender in Overwatch for example, no male Symmetra) :man_shrugging:

In games where I can, I design my toons to look like me.

I’m not a young woman…

Is it weird that people keep asking this question? Probably not, but it seems odd to me.

I assume everyone in game is a dude until they tell me otherwise.

I assume everyone is a guy until I have blood work and two forms of I.D :rofl:

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All genders are equally inferior in the eyes of Morbo.

You are not your character. Just as males read and write about females in fiction, so the same goes in games. Your choice of a character to play the hero in the story of Azeroth has nothing to do with who you are, its just the protagonist you are using in the story.


Still holds true.

Because… you are a puppet.

Edit: I only make male characters as my in game character is a projection of myself but I really don’t care what others play. I do however treat in game females like females though because that is the avatar they chose to play as.

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Your friends sound like they’re insecure about their masculinity.


Nope. I play both genders as I wish. Then again I’m into dudes. I like dudes. I have more dudes. Sometimes I play characters because they look better in armor or they have cool casting animations with there hair (Dwarven women).

It’s called roleplaying. We as human beings aren’t actually the fantasy trope characters that inhabit the world of Azeroth either.

Now Goldshire and ERP, that’s weird.


Nope. I would suggest less ridiculous friends.

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male or not, looks good and doesn’t, at the end of the day if a dude wants to be a female Character then let him, and a girl wants to be a male character let her its their toon and their way to play the game. just dont be creepy about it lol :slight_smile:

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Can I ask a really dumb question, do you think when we die at the end of our lives it will actually matter that much if we were male or female or whatever, like would it really make any difference to whatever is beyond the veil?

Just if you think about it whether you believe in eternal oblivion, heaven or hell, or reincarnation isn’t your fate the same?

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Probably the only thing that matters at the end is whether or not you have a final feeling of regret.

Nope, not at all