Is it weird for MALES (irl) to play FEMALE characters ingame?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with IRL Males playing Female characters… nor is there anything wrong with IRL Females playing Male characters…

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I used to think it was weird until my ex explained it to me ages ago; “If I’m going to stare at an a$$ for 20+ hours, it better be an attractive looking one”.

Short Answer: No.

Long Answer: No, do what you want it’s a fantasy game.

The only time it’s remotely weird is if your doing it to go out of your way to get attention, or stuff from other people. But, if your literally just playing a character, play the charcter. No one should really care.

Your friends don’t sound too intelligent.

Don’t let others define what you want to do in life, especially in a game. Tell them to piss off and stop being upset that they look at your toon with googoo eyes now.

It is a reflection of their lack of manhood to make fun of others in what avatar they choose in an MMO.

yes, it is

Why is he staring at the avatar’s a$$ instead of what he’s doing or where he’s going? I never could understand that. I don’t do that. I look at what I’m doing.

We needed yet another of these threads.

You could have googled this question and saw all the answers that will ever be given on this subject.

Not this again…

Anyway, tell them that, in the theaters of Ancient Rome, female characters were always played by male Romans.

It wasn’t a big deal back then, it’s not a big deal today. Your friends, out of fear, are just expressing doubt about their own sexuality. Not your fault.

“I prefer looking at female butts”
plays undead

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I don’t know is it weird for humans in real life to be playing animal characters

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I’m far right anti feminist and I like to play some female characters. So no there is nothing wrong with it.

I wouldn’t say I am anti-feminist anymore, I’m more against the radical extremist side of things is all. I guess though that the complete lack of respect people get treated with is awful…



No it is not.

The answer to the OP is that no, it’s not weird at all for a male to be playing a female toon, but my belief is that the fact this is a monthly, if not weekly forum topic, means that we have a long way to go in terms of progress towards justice, fairness and equity.

Let’s be honest, the fact that you find males wearing a feminine form, to me it’s almost borderline homophobic really. Perhaps we need to truly examine our cultural prejudices and why we think the way we do…


If we didn’t, you’d see 3 female player characters in game.

Most of them are played by males, but even so you probably don’t even see half of the population as female characters.

So I do it for your immersion.

Being straight sounds like a nightmarish minefield and I don’t know how any of you do it.


Imagine there was a rule that said you had to disclose the following on your toon…

1-Whether you were male, female or variation thereupon

2-Your sexual orientation

3-A button that says if you are single or taken

4-A button that says it is/isn’t okay for people to try and hit on you.

I think most people would just lie tbh.

Nope, nothing wrong with it. Get in touch with your feminine side, play a tiny waif like elf maiden beating the snot out of dragons and ogres.