Is it weird for MALES (irl) to play FEMALE characters ingame?

Oh, it’s this thread again.

Is this the 749,065th thread on this topic?
No one ever asks if it’s weird for female players to play male characters.

If you’re a straight male playing a game in 3rd person for thousands of hours and choose to stare at a male behind…well, I don’t know how choosing to play a female character is the weird choice here.

Bahahahahaha! This is the first time Iv’e heard that phrase lol. :+1:

It’s not weird. I’m a straight guy. I play women. I’m secure enough in my masculinity to know that pixels on a video game mean nothing to my personal life, nor is me playing Shadina some kind of representation of a desire made manifest subconsciously.

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MFW this thread returns.

The audio on this post played even though I only opened the thread and never scrolled through it and it confused the heck outta me for a bit as I tried to find what played that sound. I don’t even think your post had loaded yet, weird!

It’s not weird to me, I am female irl and almost exclusively play male characters, so I can’t criticise anyone who flips their gender in game.

I love pineapple pizza too. :pizza::pineapple:

I don’t find it weird I also play a male Worgen, male Human, male Void Elf and male Dwarf.

Maybe you need better friends. But for real, there are two categories of players; those that their characters are a version of themselves, or whose characters are different characters. You don’t have to RP to do that, is simply just about to see your character as a different entity and not just you.

I FEEL weird doing it, but judging by the number of Dudes that I see doing it, I can’t say it’s weird at all. It’s just not something that sits well with me.

Because women never play male characters in MMOs, right?

… Right?

That’s what I do.

I have one character that is “me” in a manner of speaking, and the rest of my alts are separate entities.

It helps being a fantasy writer, so making characters comes easy.


Your friends are idiots.

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So, you were born a “male”. You’ve got a Y chromosome. You’ve probably got testes.

Yay, and good for you!

Nobody here gives two squirts about what you are into, whether it’s a man, young man, lady boy, or female.

None of my characters is “me” tbh. Every character I have has their own little backstory even if it’s not expansive and just a blurb.

I think a lot of people mistake “RP” with simply relating differently to the characters you make. Some people make Avatars of themselves, they “are” their characters and that’s cool, but other people see their characters more like a Lara Croft or a Solid Snake who they get to imagine their backstory.

I think it’s related to creative output and how it’s different for everyone; some people are happy following the narratives of stories, some people are about the transformative aspect of it.


I am not a male IRL. But I’ve found that I get treated with more respect in game if I play a male character especially if I am on a tank. It’s been so many years that I’ve been playing MMOs that I don’t really care which is which and usually just smirk a little any more at males playing females because “I like seeing a woman’s butt more when playing” (really? You look at your character’s back end instead of what’s going on around you???) but anyway whatever.

Haha, same here, character creation/development is probably my most enjoyable part.

Because of this all my wow characters have backstory lol

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Why should it matter? I’m not a gnome in real life either yet here I am. WoW is a fantasy roll playing game, not a dating site, I don’t care who or what you are in the real world just so long as you can help me kill Sylvanus.

To each their own