Is it weird for MALES (irl) to play FEMALE characters ingame?

Its not sunday, I’m calling the police :police_car:


A pro tip for playing an MMO?

“girl” is an abbreviation for “guy in real life.”

On a more serious note, I prefer to play male toons; however, I have a couple female ones too. Mostly because I can’t stand the aesthetics of their male counterparts (much like your predicament.)

Also, if your friends are giving you such a hard time … then obviously they’re not comfortable with their “adult” orientation. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to play a female toon. I used to be on the boat where I thought it was weird, but one day it dawned on me as to how the whole, “if I have to stare at a pixelated bottom for hours on end, I’d rather be staring at a female’s” kind of just clicked.


This thread is now about pineapple on Pizza!!

Who here loves pineapple on pizza? :yum:


It’s fine. The only thing wrong is assuming that every person behind an avatar is a certain gender. I am female and have both male and female toons.

I really don’t like the whole thing that pops up a lot of females not playing WoW because it simply is not true.

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Pineapple pizza is the devil.

(On a funny note, my girlfriend is sitting next to me arguing about how pineapple pizza is good. :rage:)


As long as you’re not trying to trick people into thinking you’re a girl, then it’s not weird.


/shudders involuntarily


Not at all. What I find weird is when people say they play a certain gender because they stare at their character’s butt.

I play both male and female, it’s just a game, no big deal.


Just going to chime in here and say It’s only weird if you make it weird… Follow your heart my friend.

Turns around to quietly leave thread

Sounds like the OP needs better friends.

Of course it doesn’t matter what you play, so long as you are having fun.

Disclaimer: I am not actually an Elf, IRL.


Man, put the disclaimer up front! Totally t-boned by this sixth-sense plot twist. :confused:

i know this is going to be unpopular and ppl will have a problem with it coz it’s not PC, but whatever… i think it’s weird.

i used to do this in my teens because i thought it was funny plus i’d pretend to be a girl and flirt with guys for loot and stuff but i eventually got out of that phase. haven’t made a single female character since. just don’t understand why you’d want to. wouldn’t you rather make something that resembles you in some way? maybe there’s something deep inside of you wanting to “come out” if you catch my drift?

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No. If your “friend” calls you weird find new friends.

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Why? That’s a very dumb reason for them to get mad at you. There are many, MANY male players with some or even most of their characters being female, and there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s a character, not a digital representation of your IRL self.

I do!

p.s. @ Suniza I love your meme, this one is my favorite, it works especially well when Cookie Gnome leaves cookies, and there’s pizza!

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Nope, it’s not weird, do what you want, if people say otherwise, boohoo move on.

You know you want some :wink:

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As I’ve said every time this thread pops up.

Fluffy, Panda, Booty.

It is perfectly okay to play whatever you like. Pick whatever you find pleasing, and roll with it.

Hence my 4 female pandaren alts.

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Look, you seem like a swell undead and all, but I’m a boring human. I’d pick of those pineapples and eat my pizza straight, no chaser (crust/sauce/mozzarella cheese). Finito.

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Considering most of the male player models look like they have an extra large helping of steroids with every meal, I find the female models much more preferable since they have a more average body type. I’ve never had the body of a bodybuilder and I wouldn’t want to either, so the in-game male models just aren’t for me, ESPECIALLY the Human Male model.

My wife and I are very happily married with three kids, I’m very happy with my anatomy, and I’ve never had any interest in having a romantic relationship with another man. I do fully support gay and trans rights, but I myself am most definitely a straight man.