Is it true that Night elf society is matriarchal

We fell victim to one of the classic blunders!

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Hold up lady, I was unaware you were making a joke. Hard to tell tone when it is written sometimes. No need to get snippy or personal.

Have read those books btw. Used to be a huge Forgotten Realms fan before they started getting kind of weird.

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Those aren’t evidence of a patriarchy. Just sexism.


That IS one of t he defining features of a patriarchy.


No it isn’t. A patriarchy must show a system in place that makes makes dominant. The USA doesn’t have that. Young women are doing better across the board then young men


The USA most emphatically does and you are totally wrong on the latter statistic. When you have a culture where women are discriminated on the basis of gender, that is the textbook defining aspect of Patriarchy. The United States may not be as bad as Saudi Arabia, but there’s still a lot of progress that needs to be made.


Why are more women graduating from college then boys are if their being held back then? Why does no serious economist pay any attention to the wage Gap myth?

Women have it easier then men in a general sense in Western society.


So, going back to my post… when we were still talking about Warcraft, I defined the terms of Matriarchy, which, with some simple editing, can apply to patriarchy.

There, now terms are defined. Now, I think in the current era, women are more equal to men than they have been in the past. I think saying one is more privileged than the other is difficult, because the issues they face are so different.

However, regardless, if we are to assume that women are more privileged than men, that doesn’t necessarily rule out western society being patriarchal. This is why I reject most arguments made against Nelf matriarchy, as they tend to be “Look, men exist and can be successful, therefore it’s not a matriarchy.” That is a flawed line of reasoning that is deviant from the discussion.

There are roughly three times as many men than women in Government. Regardless of the explaination, Mansplaintion, or justification there could be fore this, it does pretty explicitly meet this criteria of Patriarchy.

In a governing sense - a system of society or government ruled by a man or men.

Not only that, but in business, maths and science, women only fulfill somewhere between 5 and 10 percent of leading roles in those areas. Considering the mostly accepted tradition of women taken the man’s last name in marriage, and passing on the man’s last name to children, these fulfill the societal, cultural and familial criteria for patriarchy.

In a societal sense - a form of social organization in which descent and relationship are reckoned through the male line.

However, it is important to note this:

So the debate isn’t so much if Western society is patriarchal or not, it is. In fact, most of the entire world is patriarchal. That is clear, and if that is so clear, then it makes it even more silly to argue against Nelf Matriarchy.

The debate really lies in, is Western Patriarchy born of prejudice and sexism? Does that same prejudice and sexism still exist in an institutional and/or cultural level?

I think the first part of that question is yes, but the second part of that question is a little more nuanced and difficult to pin down. Debates on this issue devolve into tit-for-tat “Women can do this - Men can do that - Women suffer this - Men suffer that.” Which isn’t very useful or constructive, and deviates from the point. There is no structure to that kind of debate.

The problem is structuring the debate in a way that is fair and comprehensive. Which is no easy task for something this broad.


Re. Night Elves:

The women do most of the work while the men sleep a lot.

Seems like real life.


That’s why women control most of the power and wealth, right!

Oh, are you being serious?

A) That’s not what a patriarchy is.

B) Are young women doing “better” than young men? What are your criteria for “better”?

C) Even assuming B), why are you singling out young women and men? For example, middle-aged men demonstrably have far more economic wealth and political representation than do middle-aged women. Does that not count? Exactly zero women, for example, have been president. Is that not relevant?

Again, you seem to be selectively choosing criteria to fit your preconceived thesis.


I don’t think Night elf society can be easily characterized, considering it’s basically the same people holding the top leadership positions for the entirety of their society’s 10,000 year history.


The Post-Sundering history that is. :slight_smile:

Yeah, because a lot of their important subgroups were founded in the wake of the Sundering, like the Sentinels (Shandris), Wachers (Maiev) and while nelf druids are technically a pre-Sundering thing, it’s not by much. Tyrande’s group is the only one that really carries over from the Pre-Sundering days.

That is where Kaldorei matriarchy comes from I feel. The notion that only women can comprehend Elune reveals that not only is post-sundering Kaldorei a Matriarchal theocracy, but that that women are seen as divine figures. Post-nelf society hits every nail on the head when it comes to what we define as matriarchal.

Post-sundering is more difficult to pin down, but I am of the perspective that they were Matriarchal as well, at least in the Governing sense being Azshara. If you look at Suramar, a post-sundering elf city… every statue is female. And even in the Tomb of Sargaras, there are depictions of female figures elevated even above Titans.

Like I said, I think Blizzard always intended for Nelves to be Matriarchal, they just haven’t always been good at it.


You should be ashamed of yourself. Look at what you have wroght.

I’ve always seen it as a binary system like a wolf pack with an alpha male and alpha female. With the males asleep most of the time the default structure is matriarchic.

See, every poster has it all wrong. Night elf society is neither a matriarchy, patriarchy, statriarchy, or even a baitriarchy. Every night elf is, as we all know, oppressed by the humans and orcs constantly vying to either take their land, overshadow their culture, or snatch their dignity harder than Elune snatched Tyrande’s 2000s-lookin’ bass Snookie bump-it. Such is the Kaldorei way: bending over for the big boys. (Or girls. Or those who lieth betwixt.)


He clearly isn’t ashamed of himself as he decided to actually debate such a thing as the Patriarchy in a wow thread.

We live in a