Is it true that Night elf society is matriarchal

The Night Warrior transformation, even with all its presentation faults, was entirely worth it just for getting rid of that hair.

At the very least, we can be consoled that Elune has some fashion sense.


I didn’t say he was. I said he should be.

Women simply don’t tend to choose math and stem fields as much as men do. Don’t choose buisness as much as men do. Simple. Doesn’t mean there is a patriarchy

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Oh no…At this point not sure if you’re stirring the pot or not.

It’s not a patriarchy it’s just that women tend to not choose those jobs and fields of expertise as much as men do.

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Hey, how about we move away from this thread of conversation and get to something less forum vacation-risking?


Where is the support for that statement? There are after all male Night Elf priests in game.

Kaldorei civiisation is not a theocracy as Night Elf Druids have as much influence as Priests.

That doesn’t mean it is not a patriarchy… in fact, it is a patriarchy BECAUSE of that.

The Warcraft Encyclopedia.

No they don’t… they are completely separated from the Kaldorei state. And The sisterhood has always been revered more than them.


It’s a patriarchy because women choose different fields to work in? So women create the patriarchy?


Night Elf society is not a Matriarchy. Never has been. If it was Malfurion and Fandral wouldn’t have had the sway they did with word alone and the Priestesses wouldn’t have headed their words the same way they do Tyrande’s.

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I was going to make a long winded post about the dynamics of Patriarchy and Matriarchies as well as my own countries experiences with them and their evolution. But candidly Drahliana said about anything I was going to say, more relatabley to most people, and more eloquently.

So now i’m just here to watch the dumpsterfire and munch popcorn.


Put the bucket in between the seats don’t be a hog.


please link the passage,

Potentially. The question we should be asking isn’t whether or not western society is patriarchal, it’s if that patriarchy is a result of sexism and prejudice. Tit-for-tat, battle of the sexes, arguing is not exactly helpful in determining that.

"Yet there is a widespread belief to this day that the deepest mysteries of the changeable moon goddess can only be comprehended by other women. The Sisterhood has therefore remained exclusively female thus far. "

“Powerful men exist, therefore matriarchy is impossible”

That’s some sexist thinking right there. Scroll up, you have been proven wrong a million times over already.

God, thanks for bringing up this #GirlBoss and cashing in on popular discourse. Its honestly not mentioned enough for literately everything.

Remember, we :clap: need :clap: more :clap: female :clap: CEOs :clap: and :clap: war :clap: criminals.


Honestly… Kathrine Proudmoore could have been really cool. Rather than have her just “forgive” Jaina after seeing the errors of Daelin’s ways, her anger should have instead just been redirected to the Horde, for betraying her Daughter’s trust and exploiting her naivety.

A scorched earth, hellish display of naval might embodied into Kathrine Proudmoore would have been just… Italian hand gesture

Way to appropriate the itallian culture. That’s pretty racist of you.

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And this… because she’s a woman? Why is gender important, shouldn’t action and character count?

Just my brief summary of my opinion on this subject.

No see you don’t understand. The female genitalia must rule over the Male genitalia for this world to be just. All men are toxic. Death to the pale ones.

Jazz music stops

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