Is it true that Night elf society is matriarchal

Your mommy is a Feminist too! WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW? BWAHAHAHS

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Did you just assume my mommy’s gender? Excuse me, it’s 2020.

But yeah, female, so you got that right!


This started out so well. Why did you have to start arguing about real life patriarchy? You guys should know better.

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Please, this is the internet.


Yes but the story forum is usually a shelter from reality.

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I supported Clinton in that race, but there were plenty of women who supported her simply because she was a woman (“its about time”). Hell, she tried to shame any woman who didnt support her.

on topic, i dont know if you can call a society matriarchal if all of the males are asleep and the women are the ones who have to do everything.

Yeah, now politics, may the Naaru save us

turns the Mod-Signal on

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expecting moderation in the Story forums.

Oh, my sweet summer child…


“Matriarchal” is a misnomer. Females didn’t “rule” their society so you can’t define it as such. Males and Females HAD traditional roles but that’s more happenstance then gender biases.
Women became priests and males became Druids.

Then all Druids (Males and a few Females) went into Hibernation, leaving the Priests (Females and a few Males) to lead their people.

So, if anything, it’s parsonarchy, which happens to be comprised of Females.

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It’s hard to call it strictly a matriarchy if there’s no codified basis for who would be in charge of their society if Tyrande died. Would the ruler then be just Malfurion? Or would whoever happens to be the next-highest ranking Priestess of Elune become the new ruler of kaldorei society while Malfurion gets demoted to a lower status because he’s no longer married to the sitting High Priestess?

We don’t know because arguably the fact that the High Priestess rules the kaldorei is affected as much if not more by the fact that the current High Priestess is Tyrande Whisperwind specifically as by any implied presumption that whosoever leads the predominantly female priesthood is, by default, the sovereign as well. Between her and Malfurion we have these two larger-than-life, mythical figures who’ve led the whole of their people’s society for 10,000 years, so it’s hard to be certain in the events of their deaths whether there would be some separate reasoning used to choose new leadership for the whole of night elf civilization, or if that position would automatically pass down to whoever inherits their ranks within their respective organizations.

What do the night elves do if these two ancient fixtures in their society are gone? Is it just a bureaucratic matter of their subordinates taking their place, or would the night elves feel compelled to sit down and decide by some other means if there’s another, similarly established and revered individual in their midst who’d be best suited to the position irrespective of his or her sex or specific group association?


someone has to do something while druids asleep (who used to be male only)

Surrender their sovereignty to Anduin if Shandris’ dialogue is any indication.

Granted, I think Blizzard’s apathy has finally reached self-conscious in regards to night elves, but we can never truly discard Blizzard’s unwillingness to think past Stormwind in regards to the Alliance.


You should be even more worried about what would happen if a certain even more ancient fixture of Night Elf society were removed from that society due to doing something outrageous against them(and Tyrande is already doubting her as of 8.3).


If Tyrande sacrifices Malfurion to the Dark Aspect of Elune like a proper Drow Matron, I will concede ALL of your Night Elf matriarchy points.

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So a matriarchy has to be evil and man hating to count as such? Again, I don’t get this. We agree the USA is a patriarchy but women aren’t oppressed 24/7. I can vote, work outside the home, wear pants, serve in the military but still have to put up with patriarchal BS. Our society still has a lot to work out (support the ERA!) but there has been progress. I view the Night Elves the same way.


She was specifically mentioning Drow which IS an Evil Matriarchy trope if you’ve read any of the relevant Forgoten Realms books in which the worship of Lolth does occasionally involve the sacrifice of a favored male. And gods, you might want to take a look for your missing sense of humor, but I would concede that I was making a bit of an inside joke.

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Yes but no serious economist takes the wage Gap theory seriously. There’s factors that okay into it like women taking time off due to pregnancy and what not.


I’m not interested in getting into an endless retread of these classic excuses for paying women less. Patriarchal cultures are signified by other factors such as the pricing and design of women’s clothing (still without pockets!) and how women are treated at auto service centers, but I’m not going to spend my time with someone so firmly in denial.


Oh man… I am late to this one.

I think it is safe to say that I have argued most passionately for Night Elf Matriarchy. I believe that was the original intention for the race, and I think Blizzard muddied the subject for the sake of gameplay, not all writers working on the same page, perhaps an unwillingness to really commit to the idea, and probably some level of misogamy, at least in the case of Richard Knaack.

First, I think it is important we define terms.

In a governing sense - a system of society or government ruled by a woman or women.

In a societal sense - a form of social organization in which descent and relationship are reckoned through the female line.

in a familial sense - the state of being an older, powerful woman in a family or group.

I think traditionally, all of these apply to Night Elf government, culture and society. Post-Sundering, Tyrande was the sole leader if the Kaldorei people, heading the female only Sisterhood of Elune and the Sentinels. With absolute authority as the mortal avatar of the Goddess Elune (Also a woman), along with every governing branch being restricted to women, it is clear that we can check off that Night Elves are matriarchal in a governing sense.

Now, people are no doubt going to bring up Malfurion as a co-ruler. So I want to bring up the familial sense of the term. Malfurion, as co-ruler, still does not head the Sisterhood or any other Governing branch. He head a neutral, druidic circle. While I think changing cultural norms are happening (Due to game mechanics rather than realism or world building), I still don’t think this is enough to say the governing state is none matriarchal. Tyrande had the leadership experience, and seen as a divine ruler by her subordinates. Malfurion has that respect as well, but reverence of Elune’s faithful is solely Tyrandes. According to the Warcraft Encyclopedia, it is a common belief that the deep mysteries of Elune can only be comprehended by women, which is a clear sign of a matriarchal societal and familial structure, and giving Tyrande clear cultural favoritism by the virtue of her gender.

Now, I think this matriarchal society was Blizzard’s original intention that they started to move away from for the sake of Game mechanics, and with some of Richard Knaack’s novels, and his horrendous portrayal of women in his novels. However, I think we can expect Nelf matriarchy to make it’s way back into the lore on a more explicit level. Firstly, because feminism is very popular in the mainstream right now. We can always trust corporate America to cash in on shallow, surface level girl power. Secondly, in his interview about The Terror of Darkshore, Terran Gregory mentioned “Matriarchal society”. I don’t think that is something that anyone would normally toss out there in casual conversation, and is more likely a term being tossed around by the writing team in regards to nelves.


So this is what happens when politics and wow mixes? Oh god…

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