Is it true that Night elf society is matriarchal

Except the druids never lead the Kaldorei… and in-game books are not necessarily canon, hinted by game devs that say they could be written from a false perspective.

However, much like the Tauren holding onto their beliefs, this would still be Night Elf believing that the Druids had lead them to enjoyed an era of unprecedented peace and tranquility under the stars.

Enough so that they, the Night Elves within the setting, wrote it down in a book.

Most of those books are found outside Kaldorei territory. We don’t know who the author is. And since it directly contradicts the lore, I would say its not canon.

Or, seeing as WoW more likely takes precedence over the no longer available Warcraft Encyclopedia, the Warcraft Encyclopedia is what is not canon.

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Except those books are not reliable sources of lore. It is a perspective that exists in-universe that could just be wrong. And considering that the druids have definitively never had been involved in the Governing of the Kaldorei, no… the Warcraft 3 Manual is not canon.

Could be a wrong in-universe perspective. Does not mean it is a wrong in-universe perspective.

If you can’t say definitively that the in-game book is wrong, then you cannot say the Warcraft III manual is wrong, nor that it is not canon. That is to say, the Warcraft Encyclopedia could very well not be canon, and could be why Blizzard has never made it available again. Additionally, as the Warcraft III manual was not written as an in-universe perspective, and was meant to be a reliable source of lore (it was the only source of lore for a time), if the Warcraft III manual is canon still, reflective of it being included in the game itself and still available for new players to see to this day, then the Druids definitively did govern the Night Elves.

Actually it is… because it directly contradicts reliable lore resources.

The Warcraft Encyclopedia may not be a reliable lore resource.

Factoring in lore sources, it’s two to one in the Warcraft III manual and in-game presentation of information against the no longer available Warcraft Encyclopedia.

I haven’t only sighted the Encyclopedia, I have supported my claims with Chronicle, the Visual guide and several novels. As far as I am concerned, the lore for the Warcraft 3 manual has some many definitively wrong depictions of the lore, contradicted by multiple sources, that is can’t be considered canon. If anything, Blizzard put it in-WoW as a nod to WC3 and nothing more.

This is such an idiotic perspective you are coming to me with it’s honestly frustrating. You said it yourself, you agree with the premise of Nelf Matriarchy, so why are you here annoying me for hours?

The lore doesn’t support you, you deviate from your point, move the goal post, misrepresent lore, and now you are delving into long dead, retconned sources.

Seriously, gtfo of here. I am done with you.

Chronicle actually is where the 2,700 years where Tyrande was not the sole leader comes from. Your novel citation shows that the Warcraft Encyclopedia is not a reliable source. And I don’t see any citations from the Ultimate Visual Guide.

In fact, from what I can see in the Ultimate Visual Guide, it actually basically skips any mention of the Long Vigil, and actually emphasizes Tyrande being co-leader, not sole leader.

I do not disagree that Night Elves have a matriarchal society. That could still well have happened during the 7,300 years that Tyrande did have to lead alone. But definitely sounds like the Druids lead for a time before Malfurion had to leave Tyrande alone to do so.


Irrelevant. Tyrande rules the Night elves because she took power. She used her position to do it but not BECAUSE she’s a woman.

Says the one who only keeps resorting to a single cherry-picked line as the basis of your argument. A Line that has been refuted, time and again.

Yes we do. We have in-game lore that states otherwise.

If it welcomes men, that renders your argument that their belief that “only women can understand the mysteries of Elune” completely moot. Because by welcoming men, they TELLING YOU “HEY, we believe a Man can understand Elune as well.”

But they have. They wouldn’t welcome someone unless 1 wanted to join, or at least asked.

That’s Sexist and Wrong. Never have I denied that she’s either a Woman OR in Power.

You’re so sexist that you can’t believe a woman can be in power UNLESS men have absolutely no role in it.

Mount Hyjal and Illidan’s Gift
Auberdine in Darkshore at - 36.6, 44.0

The World Tree and the Emerald Dream
Craftsmen’s Terrace in Darnassus - 56, 3

Exile of the High Elves
Cenarion Enclave in Darnassus - near Erion Shadewhisper

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And the Sisterhood of Elune is the Governing caste of the Kaldorei, which forwards a ideology that elevates women above men…

It hasn’t though, and there are multiple sources I have cited. Just another reminded is that Blizz Devs explicitly have said the Kaldorei are a matriarchal society.

Show me.

No it doesn’t… because the highest echelon of the priesthood remains exclusively female because of a cultural bias in women’s favor.

No they haven’t. The lore explicitly says the Sisterhood of Elune, which is the highest echelon of the Priesthood, remains exclusively female because of a commonly held belief that women are superior.

Why would I believe that when there are very clear examples of powerful women in patriarchal systems? That is just not the case for the Kaldorei. For Kaldorei, it is the opposite, there are successful men in a matriarchal system. The system and culture is still, fundamentally, matriarchal.

They didn’t though. They played no role in passing or enforcing law. You are being willfull obtuse and I no longer have the energy to entertain your ridiculous ideas.

Druids both passed law and decided how to enforce it:

    Under the druids’ benevolent leadership, the night elves enjoyed an era of unprecedented peace and tranquility under the stars.

    Malfurion and the druids dismissed Dath’Remar’s arguments and warned the Highborne that any use of magic would be punishable by death. In an insolent and ill-fated attempt to convince the druids to rescind their law, Dath’Remar and his followers unleashed a terrible magical storm upon Ashenvale.

    The druids could not bring themselves to put so many of their kin to death, so they decided to exile the reckless Highborne from their lands.

As covered, the Warcraft Encyclopedia is probably not canon on this matter.


And yet that contradicts the every other source we have that say they had nothing to do with Governing the Kaldorei.

Your argument is absolutely ridiculous. Scraping the bottom of the barrel for lore that has been noncanon for years. The lore has so much deviated from that manual, the map and character origins of several figures are not even remotely the same.

You want to believe that, I can’t stop you. But don’t come in here and try to pass it off as lore, and use it to illegitimize actual lore.

You have always been deceptive in the way you present you arguments and I am over it.

No other source says they had nothing to do with governing the Night Elves. Not Chronicle, not the novels, not the Ultimate Visual Guide. The only thing on this matter you have cited in this thread (and yes, anyone can easily search the thread and see this for themselves) is from the Warcraft Encyclopedia.


We also know the Cenarian Circle plays no role in Kaldorei governing, we know the Sentinels answers to Tyrande before Malfurion, we know the druid individuals are subject to Tyrande’s commands despite being part of a neutral organization. The only sources you have is the recount of an event that was spesifically targeted at druids, rather than the Kaldorei people as a whole, from a source that has more holes and inconsistences that GOT season 8.

You have a track record of misrepresenting lore, or blatantly citing lore that has nothing to do with your premise, and you have a bias for druids.

I do not see you as a someone who argues in good faith. I do not see you as a reliable person when it comes the presentation and interpretation of canon lore, and I do not recognize your sources as valid. We’re done.

There is nothing outside the Warcraft Encyclopedia that says the Cenarion Circle plays no role in Night Elf government - again, not in Chronicle, the novels, nor the Ultimate Visual Guide. We know Sentinels answers to Malfurion and other Druids as well, regardless of Tyrande’s placement in the organizational chart. And your novel reference of Broll and Tyrande was just before the Cataclysm, not during the time before the Long Vigil where the Druids lead and exiled the Highborne before the Druids went into the Dream and left governing the Night Elves in Tyrande’s care.

You’re just clinging to the no longer available Warcraft Encyclopedia because that’s all you have.


First of all… The Cenarian Circle is a neutral organization. It is not part of the Kaldorei Government. We know this from multiple sources that say it operates outside of the Kaldorei Government. Yet Tyrande’s reach extended to the Kaldorei within it. Malfurion is never seen commanding Sentinels .

Says the person clinging to the Warcraft 3 manual LOL. You don’t have a leg to stand on. As usual, you use the haphazard structure of Warcraft lore to twist and manipulate and gaslight your own headcanon into viability when it’s not. You are willfully deceptive, and I do not respect you enough to entertain you anymore.

He sure posted more sources

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