Is it true that Night elf society is matriarchal

Once again, you claim multiple source, yet don’t actually have any.

Malfurion is seen commanding Sentinels in Warcraft III, in the Curse of the Worgen comic during the War of the Satyr, and most recently in Elegy:

    “Sentinel Eriadnar,” Malfurion said, moving toward her.

    She sat on the edge of the pool, her slumping form revealing that she was still worn from her travels, but she got to her feet at his words.

    “No, Sentinel, you have earned the right to sit. What grim news do you bear?”

    She sank back wearily. “I come from Silverwind Refuge. Almost all of our outposts suffered a coordinated attack by the Horde. Anaris Windwood is dead. Delaryn Summermoon commands in her stead. She sent me to tell you—” For the briefest of instants, it seemed as if the Sentinel could not bring herself to utter the words. Then she spoke, in a voice that cracked. “To tell you that an army is coming.”

    For so long, Malfurion had lived in expectation of this news—that one day, the Horde would rouse and turn its cruel eye toward Darnassus. It had finally happened. He and Tyrande had fallen for a ruse. They had sent their fleet south, toward Silithus, exactly as the Horde had wished them to. The kaldorei had never been more vulnerable.

    But the Horde would not win. They did not appreciate what they had roused in this brazen attack on night elven territory.

    They did not understand that they would be fighting more than the inhabitants of Ashenvale. By the respectful but commanding hands of Malfurion Stormrage and the druids he had trained, the Horde would come under attack from Ashenvale itself. Doubtless, the warrior Saurfang would be prepared for battle. And he and his forces might well win against other warriors, but not against what those warriors protected. The resolution settled inside him, and Malfurion stood even taller, already preparing his mind and spirit for what was to come.

    The Sentinel had sensed the change in him, and seemed reassured, if a little unnerved, by it.

    “Thank you for your haste,” he told her, calmly. “When you are rested, I have another task I would ask of you.”

    It was the Sentinel—Eriadnar, Anduin thought her name was. “This is only the beginning. Shan’do Malfurion has issued orders for a complete evacuation—not only of the city, but of the surrounding area of Darkshore.”

    I have sent a message to General Feathermoon, the archdruid had written. The fleet, bearing the general’s soldiers, is to return immediately. I have authorized magi to assist you as well, and will be making my own way to Ashenvale shortly.

    Have courage, Commander Summermoon. You are not alone.


No he didn’t… throughout this thread I have posted from the Encyclopedia, Chronicle, Dev quotes, Visual Guilde, and so in-game sources. He cited the WC3 manual which has been long overridden by new lore.

No he isn’t… He is asking for help… note that he even says “ask” himself.

Once again you are misrepresenting the lore to serve your point when it actually does the opposite. Stop wasting my time.

You have made no citations saying the Cenarion Circle has no role in Night Elf government from any of these sources. The forums provide a convenient search tool so people can see this for themselves in this thread.

Note that Sentinel Eriadnar herself says Malfurion issued orders.


Well, this thread is also about nelf Matriarchy, not druids.

You have said repeatedly you agree that nelves are matriarchal, and yet you seem persistent to single me out and combat me on these issues.

And you do so insufferably with lore that have long been overwritten. Which is just like you to nag and gaslight and guise your arguments behind blocks of irrelevant text that do nothing to serve your point.

You blanketly ignore context, such as Malfurion requesting tasks from Sentinels, not ordering them. You are being willfully deceptive, or you really can’t discern the difference between issuing orders at the behest of a request, and having real military authority.

The druids have never… EVER been passers or enforces of law. They have never EVER been in the business of governing the Kaldorei people. And Malfurion is only the mild exception completely by the virtue of his relationship with Tyrande. That is the explicit lore we have. Your sources are not canon.

druids are a part of the nelf government

No they are not.

I do indeed agree that Night Elves are matriarchal.

I disagree that the Druids never led. And you have no citations that say they didn’t besides the Warcraft Encyclopedia, which has long been brushed away from the Warcraft website by Blizzard.

All other sources, from Warcraft III to WoW itself, cite that Druids lead, passed laws, and enforced them before the Long Vigil.

And now the Ultimate Visual Guide even specifies Malfurion as the co-leader of the Night Elves, and Sentinels have always followed Malfurion’s orders.

Here’s more from Elegy:

    Delaryn ran up to him, panting slightly. Her armor was spattered with blood; none of it appeared to be hers. “We cannot hold them off any longer,” she said.

    The archdruid lifted his face to the sky, watching the storm crow disappear.

    “Sylvanas seeks me once again,” he told her calmly. “This time, I will go to her and delay her as long as Elune wills.”

    Delaryn had been courageous, steadfast, obeying his orders yet thinking on her feet when she needed to. She had been strong, had kept the faith. She and those she commanded had fought so hard and sacrificed so much. But the Horde army was simply too large. Through sheer numbers, they had pushed past everything the kaldorei could summon against them.

    Numbers, Saurfang’s tactics . . . and the Dark Lady’s evil will.

    Tears slipped down Delaryn’s face. Gently, Malfurion wiped them away. For a moment, she leaned her cheek into the comfort of his large hand; then she took a deep breath. She knew. The Horde would take Darnassus. The struggle now was to save as many lives as possible.

    “What are my orders, Shan’do?” she asked quietly.

    So brave. They have all been so brave, Malfurion thought. They deserve better than this. Would that I could give it to them. But the only thing I have to give is my life.

    “Take your troops north to Mist’s Edge,” he replied. “When you are there . . . do all that you can.” Malfurion paused.

    “Commander Summermoon . . . you did well. Elune be with you.”

    She straightened, saluted smartly, and then took off running.

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Aside from the fact that they are a neutral organization in-game? Aside from Seeds of Faith and Stormrage that say they operate outside of the Kaldorei Government, yet in one of those novels, it is clearly shown that Tyrande can order individual Kaldorei druids?

Dude… seriously, stop. I am so over you and not only is this off topic, but it is also exhausting to try and debate someone who is more than willing to misrepresent lore and dig up sources that have long been overwritten. I am not even going to bother reading your posts anymore because you have yet to come to me with any good faith.

You don’t even define terms and thesis your arguments… Which allows you to move your goalposts and dance around actual debate.

From Seeds of Faith:

    Shandris remembered the long conversations she had shared with Quintis about Fandral Staghelm. Both of them had futilely hoped that Tyrande would formally reprimand Staghelm for his strange activities, but the high priestess had only reminded them that the Cenarion Circle operated outside of her authority.

As you point out, this has been retconned by Stormrage, and I have also pointed out that this was further retconned by Chronicle.

For Malfurion, though, the only thing you need to read is Delaryn, who commanded all the Sentinels still in Ashenvale and Darkshore, asking Malfurion:

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Once again you are confusing organizations for individuals and vice versa… No surprise you are willfully misrepresenting lore for the sake of argument again.

And as I have mentioned several times before:

Again, stop.

Fandral is a Night Elf, and Tyrande could not reprimand him, as Shandris and Quintis had requested her to, according to Seeds of Faith.

Then admit you were wrong when you stated the following:

As these were not simply requests, and Malfurion had military authority and was issuing orders to the Sentinels.

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Misrepresenting the lore again, are we? We don’t know what she couldn’t, only that she didn’t.

I wasn’t wrong. You were the only using him as an example to say the Druids were an authority in Kaldorei society, they aren’t and never have been.

Yes they were.

Seeds of Faith only says that the Cenarion Circle was outside of her authority. It does not say they were not part of the Night Elf government. And from Stormrage and Chronicle we can see that they are.

They were orders:

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Tyrande is the Night Elf Government.

Again, you are deviating from the point. Malfurion requested tasks from Sentinels when he was approaching them. In this case, Delaryn came to him for guidance.

You are failing to differentiate the nuances of the argument, and my addressing multiple points that you are making. You are applying my responses to points they weren’t directed to.

More manipulation and gaslighting tactics, classic Amadis.

Tyrande and Malfurion together are the co-leaders. The leaders are not the totality of the government, which includes various branches.

Sentinel Eriadnar also stated that Malfurion had given orders. Sentinel Eriadnar also was following Delaryn, who was also following Malfurion’s orders.

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And Malfurion himself said he had a task to ask of her…

Take your bias and your manipulative language elsewhere. You are not going to pull it off with me.

And Sentinel Eriadnar herself said:

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No time for you, boi.

As long as you are admitting that the Sentinels themselves wanted and followed orders from Malfurion.

As a prominent figure and husband to Tyrande, sure… I don’t deny that, I deny that the authority he wields is his own. Which it isn’t… He is an extension of Tyrande.