Is it true that Night elf society is matriarchal

Malfurion’s authority is completely allowed to him by the virtue of his relationship with Tyrande.

Well that and they always need his help to succeed.

That doesn’t relieve him of his duties to the Green Dragonflight.

It certainly did not, which left Tyrande as the sole leader after he went to sleep to fulfill those duties, until now.

Tyrande always has been the sole ruler… She chooses to share leadership with Malfurion… But ultimately, the Sentinels and the Sisterhood reports to Tyrande, not Malfurion.

And likewise she chose to share leadership with him again, as she said, as if he never left.

… You are always deviating from you point. Tyrande’s nepotism has nothing to do with anything.

It does. Even assuming it was under Tyrande’s authority to share leadership with Malfurion before he went to sleep, that still suggests a time where the Druids had authority as well, stemming from Malfurion, which, the way you see it, was stemming from Tyrande.

The Sentinels and Sisterhood report to Tyrande, yes, and they report to Malfurion as well, whether by Tyrande’s authority or need to.

Not it doesn’t… again, you are confusing individuals for organizations…

As an extension of Tyrande. But he heads no branch of the Kaldorei Government.

He heads the entire Night Elf Government, with Tyrande.

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He is an extension of Tyrande… But only Tyrande is head of the Sisterhood, which directs the Sentinels. Malfurion is a glorified secretary.

A secretary that can issue tasks and orders to the Sentinels. Secretary sounds like a pretty high standing in Night Elf society.

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But by the virtue of his relationship with Tyrande… this isn’t some example of Druids playing a Governing role… This is an example of one individual who is allowed power by the virtue of a relationship he has with a powerful person. Without Tyrande, Malfurion would just be the leader of the Cenarian Circle, completely separate from Kaldorei governing. Leadership would probably be Maiev or something.

Maiev put herself under Malfurion’s orders even before Tyrande’s in Warcraft III. Maiev used Malfurion’s Shan’do title for him more than anyone else in the game.

That was after Tyrande killed a bunch of her Watchers… Not exactly a reliable point of reference.

It is actually a very good point of cultural reference, if Maiev’s Watchers were willing to die to follow Malfurion’s orders over listening to Tyrande. If a group is willing to be that treasonous against Tyrande, it does not seem her authority was such a cultural absolute.

You mean the group lead by a fanatic obsessed with Illidan and his imprisonment?

You mean the person who had a personal rivalry with Tyrande from even before the sundering?


gtfo of here.

Yeah. The person you thought would lead without Tyrande, but would have been obsessively following Malfurion’s orders from the get go. You should pick your candidates better.

The hypothetical scenario would likely play out exactly as it did, because the situation with Malfurion, Illidan, and Maiev played out in all practical sense without Tyrande being involved as it was. Illidan would have gotten to Mount Hyjal first. Malfurion would have sentenced him to imprisonment. Maiev would have carried that out. She wouldn’t have been leader of anyone other than the Watchers all the same.

The hypothetical scenario was Maiev became the leader of the Kaldorei… which, if such is the case, means she wouldn’t have volunteered to be Illidan’s Jailer.

If we want to say she would have been Illidan’s Jailer and thus not be leader of the Kaldorei, then fine… But Malfurion still wouldn’t have been leader either, without Tyrande’s nepotism. You are arguing nothing. Just like you quote massive source which do nothing to serve your point, only to provide the illusion of being supported by lore, you are not here to debate in good faith, you are here to win some kind of competition, stroke your ego, and build an echochamber for your own druid bias.

Not going to happen, bro. The lore doesn’t support you, get over it.